Murdered A Fratello!

The two lines of girls and boys are formed and we all begin to walk into the mansion. The sky had already become dark as night is approaching. We are lead to the female Hall and we stay there for sometime. I don't mess with my sleep so I decide to use this time to take a little nap.

Soon the mental gong is struck and that's our signal to head to the dining room. We begin this tedious walk and soon approach it. I find Desmond on the podium and Madre also. I make to walk to my usual seat but Fartellos come to me and lift me up to the podium as well.

"Don't be scared. You just have to give a punishment to your offender. " Desmond whispers into my ear and I'm confused. I watch the other kids sit and Madre then rises.

"My darling, I heard what happened last night. Someone broke the rules and tried to touch my gem. A crime totally unforgivable!.

Tonight my dear, you get to decide the fate that befalls the one whom dared to touch my daughter. " she says and I then understand.