Just Admit It!

I make it to my bed with alot of struggle. I lay in it on my back staring at the celling.

You know, I may not know where I am or when I'd leave. But I think its best I make memories. I dont want this wicked world I've been born into the stain my soul with bitterness.

I've made friends, and I know I am not just some random kid. My love for family and my zeal would bring me out of here. I just know it. Fate won't abandon me. Not when I have scores to settle and a family to get back to.

I close my eyes as I let the comforting arms of sleep wrap aroundd me...

I open my eyes and I find myself in a red dress but still on my bed. My vision clears and I find Desmond standing before me.

"What are you doing here!? " I question in alarm.

"You called me here. " he replies.

"I did!? " I question.

"Yes. You also asked madre to change your dress and empty the female hall. "He reply with a 'don't you know' expression on his face.

"No I didn't!" I protest.