Thank You

Sonias POV;

I walk out and find Gabby and Tori outside. I join them and not long after, the metal gong is struck, we all form two lines and are lead to the dining hall. I take a seat and I look into my bowl only to find worms dancing about in it. Out of disgust I push the plate away and grab my cup of water.

Rachel soon sits beside Tori and both Gabby and Tori stare at her red, swollen face in shock and alarm.

"What happened? " Gabby asks. Rachel looks up at me before mumbling.


I look up only to find Tori staring between Rachel and I. This girl's too smart, she's connected the dots!!

She suddenly bursts into laughter and it's evident her laughter is pure mockery of Rachel as Rachel keeps starring at her like a volcano about to erupt.

Tori clears her troath"sorry.. I.. I.. I... " she makes to speak only to burst out laughing again. Her laughter attracts a few eyes and Gabby just stares at me in confussion.