Bond Night

Finally the day ~or night rather, comes. We four walk into the hall~ ofcourse you know the four by now; G.T.R.S ~you know what that means... Right??

Gabby has told me that its okay for girls and boys to sit beside each other. We find seats somewhere around the center of the room. I take a sit next to some random boy and Gabby sit beside me then Tori next and Rachel on the other end.

The boy I sat beside stands to do something. I know he's walked away but he's none of my business hence I don't raise my head nor look to my side. I am forced to turn when I catch someone from the corner of my eyes move to the vacant sit beside me. We are sitting on little pillows on the ground hence comfort is though. Maybe that's why the person moved.

I find Desmond sitting beside me.

"Hey" he greets as he fully assumes the new seat.

"Hey." I reply causally after recovering from my short surprise.

"What's this all about? " I ask leaning towards him. My face towards him.