“Church is over?” Philemon asks in a low voice turning on to me.
Church? My lips curved up, he made me feel happy again. I turn to the Edges, they have gone out of the Throne Capital. The white long pews that they were sitting at began to alchemize into water-like melted steel. And sliding down to the silver floor and all the pews were gone and the hall was wide empty again gleaming with such light the silver walls joined the white steel walls . . . except, there’s still a remaining Edge sitting on the last pew that hasn’t melted yet. It’s big brother Jude! He’s glaring at us. Oh, no! I know he’s mad at Philemon for knocking him out. But it was a mistake, he didn’t mean it.
I made a step towards my brother, but he stood suddenly and turned after the door, leaving the pew that he was sitting at that melted down afterward. I halted, he was indeed upset. He stops at the door and turns over his shoulder. He is smiling . . .