Entering the base

After moving past the area they just killed, A1 and M7 entered an area with even tighter security. A1, without any further delay, bent her knees and leaned against a tree. She signalled M7 to lie down instead of moving forward.

The security lights were coming towards them. Being a quick witted man, M7 quickly rolled down and hid behind the bush before the light shone on him.

Under the emergency situation around him, he couldn't find a better place to hide. After he rolled down, he felt a stinging pain in his hands. Because of the darkness, M7 didn't notice the barbed wires behind the bush. Thus, he rolled down without any hesitation. Even if he knew, he would still roll down since it is better than being caught by the enemy.

The people patrolling in the base were holding AK-47 assault rifles just like the three men who they killed before. They were in their camouflage with a bulletproof vest over it. Their footwear was waterproof military boots. If they had a military helmet, they would look like a normal soldier but they had covered their face with their signature scarf like cloth.

Without any instruction, the duo moved in sync to tackle two enemies each who were coming their way. The duo exchanged glances through their night vision goggles. Their eyes held the determination and firmness needed for a soldier. And seeing their comrade mirroring the same emotions, it gave them the confidence and encouragement as well as a sense of a security.

They didn't forget the first words they exchanged when they officially became comrades. A vow of life. They knew that the only one they can trust in the battlefield is their comrade. The one who will have your back at emergency situations. The one who will not think twice to sacrifice their life for yours.

M7 decided to lure the preys first. He deliberately rushed through the bushes as if someone is in a hurry to escape. As expected, sound of rustling was heard. Just as planned by the duo, it caught the attention of the nearby guard.

The member of Al-Qaeda didn't shine his lights in front of him immediately. Instead, he walked towards the sound maintaining high vigilance. He also used the Urdu sign language to communicate with his teammates.

Four guards split into groups of two. Two of them walked towards the sound of leaves rustling and two walked to the front which was, unfortunately, A1's location. That was what the duo needed though. The men stood there for a while before deciding to walk further into the woods.

A1 quickly placed a silencer on her pistol and silently came out from behind the tree. She was holding her Beretta 92FS which was her personal gun. Its effective range was 50m. The muzzle velocity was 381m/s. She was going to shoot within its effect range, which was 5m. In this way, she would be able to shoot the both of them without arising any troubles.

A1 already loaded her bullets and crouched down, waiting for the right moment to attack. Soon she heard a light tap in her earpiece, signalling to take action.

After her opponents walked one meter, it would be five meters. A1 was a world class sniper. Not only did she have sharp judgement, but she had a good gauge of her shooting speed.

She was special. Normally, a person can only shoot fives times within one minute. But she could shoot nine times in one minute.

Within the same period of time and using the same gun, she was able to hear the sound of the bullet passing through the firing pun and igniting its powder. As she held the gun, she could feel the gun powder starting to burn. The pressure inside the cartridge would increase and when the pressure reaches around 250 to 500kg per square centimeter, the bullet will leave the leave the cartridge and enter the gun barrel. She can feel the gun moving and with the help of high pressure and high temperature, the bullet will leave the gun barrel quickly. She would then take her aim at this point of time to shoot her target.

The 4D image of the gun would appear in her mind clearly when she touch a gun. And when she take a shot, it will come to life. It's like her entire body seemed to turn into gun. She didn't need to aim before she shoots. Instead, she was able to pull the trigger and then aim. And this allowed her shooting speed to be twice as fast as normal people.

What it mean was that before other people can take a shoot, she would have already killed her enemy.

Soon, the guards walked in front of A1. They didn't have a chance to hold up the gun as soon as they saw A1. And that was her ability. She killed the two withing 0.003 seconds!

A1 and M7 both meet again and took a short rest since they are ahead of time. They had to wait for the Pakistani forces and their rest of the comrades. The mountain was very quiet and full of thick tension. While resting, A1 was trying to figure out the highest and best sniping point. She then chose a location where she could leave immediately and snipe people from many direction without being counter attacked.

A gunshot rang through the air signifying the arrival of the Pakistani forces. And it was the start of the battle ahead. After confirming the Chinese army has entered the base by U6, they started their attack. The Pakistani army wasn't afraid of revealing their identities, so their attack was very fierce and brutal. Also they kept throwing grenades with a very high power into the base. And the entire mountain was somewhat covered in flames.

Since the Pakistani army took the Al-Qaeda's attention, A1 and M7 could see what the base looked like. It was like a village which was isolated from the world. But instead of families, they had their members in each cottage. Each cottage had some distance in between. And there were trails in between them.

"This is like a village. It's going to take more than just Grenades to destroy it." M7 said worriedly in a low voice. They wanted to see clearly but they couldn't lift their heads up. It's a huge mistake to pop your head out in a battlefield. It will go in an instant.

The grenade didn't explode one by one. Some exploded together. The shell fragments pierced into the ground and the dust flew everywhere causing A1 to stay low for a while. Anyone within the range would be injured by the explosion of the shell fragments if they walked freely in open ground.