

The endless babble of water flowing in a stream could be heard as the sounds of chirping birds and crowing cocks harmoniously united to make a one of a kind musical melody that only the early risers could get the chance to hear. The sounds of the cricket could be heard clearly among the different parallel rhyme if one would attentively listen but what took the climax of the morning natural music was the sonorous voice of the Mua'dhin coming from the nearby Masjid as he woke the Muslims from their deep slumbers. This could be counted as a call that resurrect the dead; for being in a state of slumber is similar to being temporarily death. Allahu Akbar. From this state, some will get to see another day while others would have no chance to open their eyes.

Like any other human, Humeyra was no exception as she woke from her deep slumber to the sound of the harmonious natural music made by nature to acknowledge their creator. The fair angel-like beauty with the grace of a swoon stretched her flawless bear arms as she opened her bewitching onyx eyes with a frown itched on her heart-shaped cherry lips. Her long straight nose took in a long breath as she let it out through her mouth. This was a habitual ritual she did every morning to calm her furiously beating heart as she woke yet from another disturbing nightmare.

The day was bright and beautiful Sub Han Allah. It was one of the things that brought peace to Humeyra's haunted nights each time she opened her eyes to the brightness of the sun that reminds her of Allah's promise to the believers. In deed Allah is with the patient. It has been a week since she was admitted to one of the most prestigious universities in the world, The University of Bridge wood. Trust me, though the name sounds like a joke but the university was certainly anything but a joke. It admitted only the top students in the world and was situated in one of the biggest cities in the world called Qamarstan.

It was that period of the month when every girl had some crazy episode with all sort of cravings and it was no different for Humeyra hence she didn't have to perform her daily routine Salatul Fajr. Even so, she was still awaken by the lilting sound of the Adhan like any other day. The fact that she couldn't perform Salah doesn't mean she could not make Dua hence that was what she did each time she could not prostrate in Salat to her Rabb. Some part of her was delighted to be away from home, or rather where she once called home. Home, to some is a place but to Humeyra, home was the people who loved her unconditionally, treasured her and pampered her. Home was where her shield was. It was where she found love, warmth and familiarity. Home was her loved ones who were currently no more hence she couldn't call that place home ever again for there was neither warmth nor love in an empty structure. The other dreaded what the new city will bring her. Is the same fate awaiting her? Was she strong enough to bear it? Could she feel the warmth and familiarity she craved for in this new place? How about the love she sought? Was it possible for Humeyra to find happiness again? No one knew who she really was as she left her past behind her. She stopped thinking about her past and got out of bed after uttering a silent Bismillah. She then rushed to the lavish bathroom in her new apartment and took a long shower. It was finally time to prepare for her first lecture. As she was not accustomed to taking breakfast early in the morning, she grabbed some pieces of dates and her water bottle to help supplement her energy then hurriedly left for her first lecture.

It didn't take long before it was time for lunch and so far the day was alright for Humeyra. As she was walking around the school compound with no particular destination in mind, she met a Muslim sister who stopped her and greeted her with the salaam. "Asalamu aleikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu sister. You must be new here, "she greeted."Wa aleikum salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatu, na'am Alhamdulillah. I am new. ". My name is Hafsa, sister. I am the Muslim association's chairlady. I hope you are well settled dear," the kind lady continued.

"I am Humeyra binti Ibrahim and a freshman architectural student," Humeyra replied. "Maa sha Allah, kheir. I would like to inform you that we would be having our weekly meeting to welcome the freshman students. It would be held in hall 4 on a Saturday as from 8 a.m. please attend habibti." I will ukhti, biidhnillah. Jazakillahu kheiran. She answered smiling. Humeyra went back to her room quiet contented with how her day went. Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal wa radhitu bi mashiatil Allah. She thought.

The days went by too fast and it was finally Friday which was Humeyra's favorite day of the week. She recalled the meeting she had with the sister that she met on her first day to school. Mmh, what should I do? She mused. She contemplated for a while until she came up to a conclusion. Humeyra has been a Niqabi since she turned eight and has remained so for all these years. Not many had the pleasure to get to know her physical appearance since she was firm in her principal but was it time for her to remove her shield and put on a new mask? Make some changes? Would the world accept her as she was? She didn't need the world's approval but she knew deep down that the moment she displayed her identity to the school she won't have any peaceful days. It was this single fact that led to Humeyra's first mistake. She would not reveal Sidra to the world for fear of being coveted but she didn't realize that Humeyra was her weakest cover. She would pretend to be what the world would like her to be. A rich Muslim girl who doesn't take her religion serious but is not ignorant of the rights and wrongs of the religion. Someone moderate. Someone who knows just enough to stay away from sins. She also decided to drop her adornment, the Niqab temporarily for till she is done with her university education. She decided to seek for Allah's guidance through salatul Hajah, a Sunnah two rakaat prayer that is performed when one is in need of something.

That night Humeyra slept knowing that the next day might affect her life in the university one way or another. She had a gut feeling that tomorrow might shape her future. Bismika allahumma amutu wa nahyah, she pronounced and shut her eyelids. It was yet another restless night for her.


Salatul Hajah, the prayer for need.

Ahmad has on sound authority reported from Abu Darda that the prophet salallahu aleihi wasalaam said: "he who makes wudhu and does it properly ,then pray two rakaat, Allah grant him whatever he may pray for, sooner or later.

Fiqh-us-sunnah, vol.2 pg 10