Now usually finding the target was pretty routine work, he tells me the last known location and I make it there within a day or two depending on where I was. Presently I am in Missouri, I've been staying at an abandoned ranch. Well, abandoned to the point that three years ago I was sent to kill the family, my reward was keeping the ranch. My target was on the other end of Colorado, apparently, she has been staying with a family and worn out her welcome. She also works in a saloon as a dancer. The way I figured it up, I would have a six-day ride. Not that I couldn't make it quicker, the devil didn't just give me abilities, I also had the fastest horse in the land. He was a midnight black stallion who was bound only to me, he waited in the shadows until he was called. Now about this girl, she was a slender build, blonde hair, with brown eyes. Every barman in each state knew who I was already so asking about her wouldn't be an issue. Presently in about a day out, I would have explained the ride in more detail but it was pretty regular, just rode through the day and night. I had stopped a few times to get some supplies, I don't eat much, but I don't need to. Devil made sure of that so I would be a more efficient killer, I can go as long as I want and not eat. But tonight I'm just outside of the town, ill sleep before I meet the target.