A Bright Yet Painful Smile

A Bright Yet Painful Smile

"You're just like me. Needing freedom but wasn't granted".

~Kennedy Xavier McGregor


I was hiding these pains I felt and I wanted to cry badly and scream all my heartaches but I cannot do that because I had my job to do.

Being his maid, was not something to be proud of because I'm just an annoying one. He was right! And that was the reality while I am still a maid here.

I served his dinner having these heavy baggages in my heart. I wanted to stay away from him but I needed to take care of him. I still didn't have a choice.

I was just silent and standing at his back. I didn't have any word to say because he was right. Building rapport with my boss was irrelevant and I didn't have to do that.

While still eating his dinner, Mr. Robinson appeared in front of him. He seated at the dining table. Mrs. Howard served his dinner and joined my boss eating.

"Did you get the flash drive I delivered you?" Asked Mr. Robinson to my boss.

"I don't like the idea of sending it to me personally". He abruptly replied.

"It was my request and Ms. Christensen was your personal maid. So I trusted her to give it to you".

"I will be questioned that I was still baby sitting. I'm eighteen but I have a personal maid. Can you think of an anology to it?" From the tone of his voice, he was still mad.

"You're a Robinson, so it's just casual besides I lessen it since I didn't hire any personal bodyguards to guard you".

"That was too much Cross. What do you think of me? Incapabable and childlike?"

"You're not! But you're my one and only grandson. And I don't want anybody to harm you".

"That was a shallow excuses Cross. You're being overprotective!"

"You're right! I am being overprotective and I don't have anyone anymore and you're the only that has been left to me. Just like you're name, Hans. It means a gift from god".

"It's suffocating. Sometimes, I just want to quit being a Robinson because it's giving me a hard time". He smirked and glared his grandfather.

"That's the crown you need to bear and you can't quit from it. ACCEPTANCE is the key Hans and once you already accepted that, the weight you bear will lighten up". Advises from Mr. Robinson.

That was so difficult for my boss because he was destined to carry a heavy responsibilities and I witnessed right now that it was giving him a hard time.

And that was the first I heard them having a heart to heart talk.

After dinner, I was lying down in my bed and tried to feel the heavy baggages in my heart. I knew it was still hard to adjust but little by little I'm beginning to understand everything.

They were rich, they can buy things they wanted, they can get all the privileges but my boss was lonely.

He was rich, intelligent and having a handsome face but one thing I had realized. He was a lonely guy.

Sir Hans didn't want me there because if all the students knew that he did have a personal maid. They will laugh and judge Sir Hans. And I didn't think of that afterall.

I can refuse the request made by Mr. Robinson to deliver the flash drive but it was me who didn't because my desire to visit New Heights was strong and didn't get to worry what my boss may feel. It was such a lame decision.

And I am being selfish to reach my dreams where I hurt someone and let him feel suffocated.

Tears run down from my eyes because this time. I was at fault and I made my boss sad.


Kennedy Xavier McGregor, a first year student and currently taking a medical course and a future doctor. He was more of a tsundere, cool and a genius guy but his attitude sucked. He was playful and didn't take things seriously and he was the oldest son of Alberta McGregor, the Dean of Business Department at New Heights University.

"Hi Kennedy". A girl approached him and gave him a baked cupcakes.

"Sorry, I don't like girls with braces". He frankly replied and rejected the girl's offer.

The girl ran away crying because she was rejected by the guy he liked.

Also, Kennedy Xavier was a total heartbreaker.

After that rejection he made, he was walking in the corridors of the school. He was at the Business Department because his mom called him out.

He was wearing a maong jeans, a stripe white and black polo shirt, a faded denim jacket and a black sneakers. He was getting the attention of the girls and they were amazed how cool he was.

Upon entering the Dean's office, she met this first year batch representative together with its two friends. He stopped for a while and was seriously looking to this lady.

"Look Maddi, that's Kennedy Xavier McGregor, the hottie of the Medical Course Department". Whispered by Marga and couldn't hide its excitement.

"So, he's the guy who topped the entrace exam?" Uttered by Maddison as she gazed this guy in front of them.

The guy came closer to them and introduced himself.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Kennedy Xavier McGregor, a medical course student". And he offered his right hand for handshake. He needed to introduce himself to their batch representative for future purposes.

"Maddison Jordan, a first year Business student. Pleased to meet you young McGregor". She got the right hand of the guy and they shook each others hands.

"Looks like the two of you have a great chemistry though. By the way, I'm Georgia and this is Marga. Pleased to meet you Kennedy". Uttered by Georgia and also forced to shake hands with the handsome guy.

The guy released a smile and then entered the Dean's office. The three of them was left perplex because of that introduction.

"My gosh Maddi. He was such a hottie". Merrily said by Georgia who couldn't mask her admiration.

"He left an impression though". Maddison uttered and touched gently the hand she shook with that guy Kennedy.

"So are you over with Hans? And now admiring Kennedy? You're such a flirt Georgia". And Marga was jealously because she didn't get to handshake with that guy.

"Hans was a past crush and Kennedy is my present. And I don't want to get stuck with someone who didn't like me back". Said Georgia with fierceness and a little amazement.

"He was hot and cool". Uttered by Marga who couldn't conceal her admiration.

"Let's go girls. We still have our next class". Said Maddison having a smile in her face and they went to their next class.


Kennedy Xavier met her mother in the Dean's Office and as he entered inside he saw this familiar face sitting in front of his mom's table.

"What is it this time Mom?" He suddenly asked and seated in front of his mother.

"By the way, this is Hans Seighfreed Robinson. My student in Finance and he also topped the entrance exam". His mom introduced this guy to him.

"So you're that guy?" He just uttered and this guy sitting next to him only stared at him.

"Don't start a commotion Ken". He was swayed by his Mom.

"No, I'm not Mom. I'm just asking him and what's wrong with that". He was bold and firm.

"You're a pain in the ass. You jerk". And Mrs. McGregor gripped him in his left ear.

"What is it this time Mom. I am being nice". He was forcely getting himself from that hurtful gripped.

Hans was only staring the two of them. His relation with his mother sucked and his attitude also sucked.

"This is my stupid son young Robinson". She introduced his son in a bad way like she was always doing in class.

"Hey!" Hans shortly uttered.

"Let's go back to Business, I called the two of you here because you will be representing the school in reseach investigation project this coming month. Since the two of you topped the entrance exam, you are highly recommended by the professors". And Mrs. Alberta was now serious and discussed the real situation.

"I'm not joining". Kennedy easily refused the offer.

"You're joining whether you like it or not. And you will not the one who will decide. I will be deciding and you're joining. Get it!". She earnestly said with force in her voice.

"I need my freedom Mom. I'm already eighteen so allow me to freely decide on my own". He replied to his mom with annoyance.

"You're my oldest son and I need you to be a role model to your siblings so NO!"

"Really? I hate you".

"What did you say?" And that look was devilish and she can kill a person in front of her.

"U-Uh! I said I love you Mom. Did you hear it wrongly?"

"You're such a bastard jerk!" And her words were much more deadly.

Hans was only staring at them and he felt that he can relate to this guy next to him. He didn't have the freedom like the one he needed and also this guy's mother was controlling him like his grandfather did.

But they had a shitty relationship as a mother and a son.

"How about you Young Robinson?" She suddenly asked Hans.

"Well! I don't see any problem with it Mrs. McGregor. I'm IN!" He took the offer and accepted to be one of the representative.

"Impressive Mr. Robinson. Then, it's all settled now. Meet me here again tomorrow and I will explain about the research investigation competition and all the details. You can go back to your class now".

They had ended that meet up and the two of them were talking together in the corridors of the school.

"Did your Mom annoyed you that much?" Asked Hans directly.

"I just hate her and she was more of manipulator and controlled my whole life". Kennedy replied.

Hans forced a smile.

"Freedom huh? My grand father was like that too. Dictating and deciding my life". He opened up because they were on the same page.

"You're just like me. Needing freedom but wasn't granted". Kennedy meaningful said.

Freedom? This was something that can never be granted to Hans because he had an overprotective grandfather.

"You're right. I...guess".

"I'm heading first Young Robinson".

Hans went to his class and he found someone who had the same situation like him.

Someone like him who's freedom that never granted to the both of them.


After class, I went home and my annoying maid welcomed me. This time, I didn't see her bright smile like she always did. This time, that smile was forced. Like the hell I care about her. She's just annoying!

She kept on following me and she also entered my room.

"What's wrong with you?" I irritably said.

"About yesterday Sir Hans. I-I'm sorry because I was so selfish". She lowly uttered with regrets written all over her face.

"I don't want to talk to you. Get out! I will change my clothes!"

I'm only glaring at her because her face really pissed me off. She's that damn ugly!

She bowed down her head and went outside my room. She brightly smiled at me but it was then again forced and the pains in her smile were obviously showing. I can tell that from what I saw because the smile she was always wearing to me was that sincere smile.

But no matter what? She's really annoying.