5: The Iris Flower

“What are you doing in the garden?”

I looked behind me and saw Tanaka-sensei. My eyes grew wider when he asked me that question. How’d he knew I was in the garden that day?

“How’d you know?” I asked. I’m already at my room, getting ready for bed.

“I always do. You’re just like him, you both like that garden and the flowers,” he said with a smile on his face. Just like him? Who is he referring to? Is it my father? Tanaka has been serving our family since then. He’s the oldest servant at the palace.

“Who’s him?” I asked.

“Someone whom we all know but also someone whom they wanted to forget at all,” he answered.

“I apologize, but I cannot seem to understand what you are saying.”

“You don’t need to understand. Soon enough, you will find out the truth. You deserve to find the truth. As of now the only advice I can give to you is don’t go to that garden alone. If you were to be found by the guards then the gardener will pay the price,” he said before leaving.

I cannot seem to sleep because of what he said. They know something that I didn't. He said everyone knows him but they also wanted to forget about him. I wonder who he is, why does everyone want to forget him? Why did he like that garden as much as I do? I have a lot of questions running through my mind right now, and the fact that I’m sure that not everyone will give me the answer is making me feel anxious. I wanted to be free, I wanted to do the things I want. I want to be free so that I can find the answer at the mystery of this Palace. Who is he, why are we not allowed to interact with the servant outside this palace? Why do we need to live like a bird stuck in this huge cage?

“Is that enough?” Ervin asked as he lent me his money.

“This is more than enough. Thank you so much Ervin. I don’t know what to do without you,” I said while holding his hand. I was so blessed to have a friend like him.

“What are you, flirting with me?'' he asked while looking at my hands. I immediately remove my hands and shake my head.

“Sorry. I was just happy,” I said.

“I was just joking. Come here,” he said as he pulled me towards him and gave me a big hug. “I’m also happy for you and the fact that you are always taking care of this garden.”

“What do you mean? This is my job?” I answered in confusion. Why is he talking like this garden is something precious for him?

He let go of the hug and laughed. “I only saw that line in the movie, I tried it out. I guess it was really emotional that I even tricked you,” he said while pointing at me. I really can’t tell whether he’s being serious or everything that came out of his mouth was a lie.

“You keep on making fun of me,” I said while looking at the flowers.

When I first came here, this garden was a mess. There were no flowers or grass. Everything is so dead but I saw Ervin trying to clean a certain spot. I decided to get the job of a gardener since I also love flowers and nature and the fact that I love pretty things. I helped Ervin clean that time, I even started planting the flowers that I like. It came out that everyone at the palace also loves the flowers. I guess that's how our friendship started.

“No I’m not. Just go ask that scary old man so that you can go out and give that money,” Ervin said. “Be careful on your way.” He started to walk away with a sad look on his face. Come to think of it, Ervin hasn’t talked about anything about his life or his parents. The only information I have is that he is an orphan. I guess I’ll ask him after I come back.

“Excuse me, can I go out for a second?” I asked the old guard. It’s kind of hard to get out of the palace if it’s not your day off, but I need to get my parents out of there as soon as possible. They are old, and I don’t want them to work anymore. I wonder if they are complaining about their arthritis.

“Why? You are not allowed to get out. It’s not your day off, get back to work.”

“But, sir. I really need to go out. I promise it will be quick,” I pleaded. I know it’s hard but I should not give up. This is for my parents, I worked so hard for them.

“I told you already, you are not allowed to go out. Are you deaf or stupid?” the guard exclaimed.

“Sir. Please I’m begging you, I will be quick,” I said again. If I needed to get down on my knees, I will. Just for him to let me out for an hour. I can’t sleep properly at night knowing that my old parents are still working because they have no choice.

“One more word and I will throw you out of the palace. You can go out right now but you won't be able to come back as well,” the guard said as he opened the gate.

“I’m sorry, sir,” I said as I turned my back. I don’t know what to do. My next day off is going to be next month. I cannot wait any longer, I wanted to get my parents out of that household.

“Let him out.”

I paused when I heard an old man’s voice. I looked back at me and saw Mr. Tanaka. He’s rumored to be the oldest servant at the palace and has been taking care of the current emperor when he was young. Why is he here, and why is he letting me out?

“Excuse me, sir?” the guard said.

“I said, let him out,” Tanaka said. “You’re going to your parents,right?”

I nod as a reply. I cannot seem to speak, I cannot believe he’s going to let me out.

“Then go already. You need to come back before evening,” he said again.

“Thank you, sir. How’d you know I was going to go to my parents?” I asked.

“Ervin told me,” he answered shortly.

The guard opened the gate and told me to come back after an hour. I cannot seem to process what just happened in my head, but what’s important is that i can finally see my parents again after 5 years. I hope they are all doing fine.

“Thank you, Mr. Tanaka.”