Soon (Edited)

I wave back at Kayla then got inside my house. I make my way to the kitchen and grab an apple juice. They said apple is good for your skin so that's why I often eat or drink it. As I walked out of the kitchen I bumped into my third brother.

"Hey, watch it," I said. He looked up from his phone and realize there's me. I and my third brother are almost the same height. His height is about 6'0 while me 5'9 "Hey, didn't see you there lil sis." he chuckled and ruffled my hair.

I smacked his hand away "Don't touch me." I hissed at him and he only chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

I went upstairs and go to my room and I immediately plopped in my cozy bed. I put my bag down and got up to my desk, I open my laptop and search for what college hat I want to apply to.

Do I want to be a model? I kept telling myself that and I don't even know if I want that. People in school said that I'm ugly and my style in fashion is trash. What if in the future they think I'm not good enough to be a model.

I close my laptop and run my hands to my hair. I'm stressed right now I don't even know what I want. I stand up and look myself in the mirror, I have the worst pimples and it's red. I sighed and walk to the bathroom to take long hot showers. Hopefully, it will clear my head.

After a long good 15 minutes shower, I dried my body with a towel and wore a bathrobe. I walk out of the bathroom and take my remote to open my walk-in closet. I know right I love the technology is so cool.

I chose my long sleeve pajamas and wear them. I'm really tired so I decide to just sleep since I still have time to kill before dinner's ready.

"Rose, rose wake up." I open my eyes and see my first brother Lucas is home. I sat up and rub my eyes then yawned. Gosh, I'm really tired.

"Why are you home?" I said lazily.

He chuckled "Because it's dinner time sis, come on." I drag my lazy butt out of the bed and make my way down to the dining room with Lucas beside me.

I sat near Lucas because he's the only brother that I love. I mean I love them equally but the two of them always make fun of me especially Ryan my third brother.

My dad came in and we start our grace then the maids serve our food. Today's menu is chicken rice with curry sauce and we start eating and my dad suddenly asked me.

"So, rose how's school?" My dad asked me.

"Good dad." I smiled. He doesn't know that I've been bullied since a freshman, if he knows God knows what he's trying to do.

"Have you decide what are you going to be after you graduate high school?"

"Michael," my mom said to dad "What? I was just asking. So have you decide?" Why on earth my dad has to asked me this question. I was just thinking about it before and he chose to ask now.

"Hmm... I don't know yet." my dad raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean 'yet'?" I sighed. Should I tell him in front of my brothers? What if they laugh at me and I'm 100% sure my brothers will make fun of me.

"I mean I've decided but I'm still uncertain about it" I looked down and play with my hands.

My dad narrows his eyes at me "What do you want to be?"

"Michael, don't push her like that." my mom shot him a disapproval look.

"I just want what best for my baby daughter, angel."

"But not like this Mich, let's just wait until she's ready to tell us."

"Bu-" I cleared my throat and they looked at me.

"It’s okay mom, I want to be a..." While waiting for me to answer my dad eat a spoon full of rice.

"Model" my dad chocked on his rice and their eyes widen. My mom hurriedly gave water to my dad and my brother Colton patted his back.

I panicked "Dad, you okay!?"

My dad's eyes are still wide "What!?"

"You okay?" I looked at him confused. "A model?" He asked me and I nodded.

Ryan decides to speak "you a model?" He laughs at his question and everyone looked at him. "What?" He shrugged.

I looked at my plate blankly "So you want to be a model?" I nodded when I looked up I saw my dad smiling "it’s your future you could do whatever you want I won't force you to do things that you won't like, if you want to be a model then its fine, I approve" I grinned and got up to hug my dad.

"Thank you, Dad, I thought you're going to be mad." I looked at him and pouted.

He chuckled "why should I be mad? It's your dream and you should pursue your dream." he patted me.

"Soon you're going to model for my clothing line." I looked to my mom and found her looking so happy. I chuckled "soon mom soon."

"She's going to be a model? But she's not suitable, look at her" Ryan gestured to me and they glared at him.

I glared at him too "assholes" see told you my third brother is evil. I always think that he's not my real brother, I think mom found him in front of the doorstep and decided to take him.

We continue to eat our dinner and talked a little bit. After we're done I walked to my dad when my brother is out of sight and asked him "Dad?"

"Yes, pumpkin?"

"Even though I chose to model but can I learn the business as well?" I crack my knuckles because I’m anxious to hear the answer.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair "Of course sweetie." I smiled and hug him once again. I love my dad. "I'll ask one of your brothers to teach you." my eyes widen and I shake my head.

"No, can you just teach me?" I looked at him with my puppy eyes and I know he can't resist.

"OK fine I'll teach you." I grinned "now brush your teeth and go to bed" I nodded and bid him goodnight.

I walk to my bathroom and do my night routine, I walk to my bed and lay my head down on my soft pillow. Still thinking about the conversation before and slowly I went into dreamland.

I will be a famous model soon.