He didn't even say 'Thank You' (Edited)


The bell rings and it's time for lunch now. I waited till all of the students walk out then I walked out from the class alone. I make my way to my locker because Kayla said to meet her there. As I walked to my locker I saw Kayla leaning his back to the locker while playing with her phone. Probably checking her social media.

I approach her and she looked up from her phone and put her phone away.

"Finally you're here, I've been waiting for a good 5 minutes." I rolled my eyes.

I gestured for her to move and she moves away. I open my locker and put my books away.

"Well you know I have to wait till all of them walked out." now it's her turn to roll her eyes.

"Anyway, I have something for you." I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.

"What is it?" She opens her bag and pulled out the brochure that she talked about before. She handed me the brochure and I looked at it.

The brochure is about a model thing. So if you want to try to be a model you can enter this competition and if you win you will be placed in the best agency model. Wow that is a really good offer but I pass.

I do want to enter this competition but I can't with my look like this, no one will look at me. And before I enter the competition they reject me already.

I sighed "I don't think I will join you," I said while looking at the paper blankly.

"Why?" she said a bit loud.

"I'm not ready yet." I looked up at her and she looks sad.

"But it's your dream our dream to be exact. It's a perfect opportunity for us." she holds my shoulder.

"I know but no one will choose me heck they didn't even want to look at me."

"Ohh..come on why do you always think lowly about yourself?" she crosses her arms.

"Isn't it obvious? I have pimples everywhere!" I said frustratingly.

"You could use makeup."

"Make-up will only make my face worst." I looked at her deadpan and continue moving my books.

I heard her sigh "okay, fine I won't force you but I hope you'll join." I shut my locker and looked at her. "Let's just go to the cafeteria. I'm hungry."

She rolled her eyes "Fine." she said with an undefeated tone.

We make our way to the cafeteria and as usual, people looked at us disgusted mainly me because I'm their main priority.

''What are you looking at?" Kayla hissed at them and I tugged her arm. "Kayla."

"What? they are giving you the looks. What am I supposed to do? Watching you get bully?"

"Just ignore them." we walked in line to buy our food and we make our way to our table that only me and Kayla in it.

We start eating our lunch when Kayla decides to speak "I can't wait to get out of this school." she said while munching her salad. I raised my eyebrow and eat my pizza. "Why's that?"

"Just look at that table" I looked at the table she pointing to "I hate all of them, especially that Jessica." I looked at Jessica who sitting on Kyle's lap. "She accused me of cheating in biology." Kayla looked at her with anger.

I swallowed my food "How come?" I looked back at Kayla.

She chew the salad and swallowed it then she looked a me "I have a test in biology before and she said to Mrs.young that I cheated by looking at a paper on my desk. I mean I didn't cheat but somehow Mrs.young believe in what she said and she came to my table and looked under my desk and you know what?"


"There's a paper on my desk." my eyes widen. "What?! How?"

"Turns out that bitch trick me, she puts a paper under my desk." Kayla munches her salad angrily.

"How do you know she does it?"

"Because one of her minions accidentally spill the beans." I feel sorry for her because she's a friend with me that's why Jessica bullies her too. If only she didn't be friends with me she could be popular than Jessica.

I don't realize I'm zoning out till there's a hand wave in front of me.

"Rose you okay? Why are you frowning?" I'm frowning? I didn't even realize.

"A..nothing. I mean if only you didn't befriend me, Jessica won't do that to you."

She sighed "rose, I don't care about that. You're my only best friend, I rather have one best friend than having Jessica as my friend."

I grin at my best friend "Awww... That's so sweet of you." she rolled her eyes but smiles eventually.

After lunch ends we go to our class, Kayla has English and I have calculus. Great, way to ruin my mood. You guys might think that every nerd love calculus but I'm not one of them. I hate calculus but if I want to graduate with a good grade might as well pretend to like it.

I walked into the class with my head bent down and I sit at the very back near the window.

"Okay, class take out your pen or pencil because we're going to had a quiz now." I mentally groan. Great, just my luck and all the students groan.

Good thing I studied last night. Perks of being a nerd.

Mr.Campbell walk to each table and handed us a paper that fills with a number. How I hate calculus. I sighed and do my work since it's hard so it will take some time to finish it even though it's only 10 number.

25 minutes has passed and I'm on number 6 now.

Okay, let's see hmm... I know this question before I've seen it in the textbook.

I was writing my answer when suddenly...

"Nerd," someone said in a whisper.

"Nerd," I carefully looked around but everyone busy doing the quiz. So who is it?

I continue my work and feel my arm being poke by a pencil. I looked to my left and my eyes widen.

"Are you deaf I was calling you." he hissed at me.

I don't know if I should feel grateful for Mr.Campbell for having a sudden quiz because Kyle Landon is talking to me. And I don't even realize he's in the same class as me.

"Do you know the answer?" I blinked "huh?"

"What the answer to number 3 and 5." I looked at my paper and about to start to explain It to him.

"Just give me the paper." is the nuts!?

"What about Mr.Campbell?" I looked to the front cautiously.

"He won't know." I hesitate to give my paper to him.

"Hurry up nerd." he hissed and give it to him.

He then starts scribbling down the answer and hands me my paperback. I start continuing my work that has been interrupted by Kyle. 30 minutes had passed and I'm done doing my quiz. I check one more time to make sure I answered all of it.

Mr.Campbell warned us that we only have 10 minutes left.

"Okay, class time's up stop writing."

He takes our paper and dismissed us. I was packing my bag when someone says "Is not that hard to cheat, right nerd?" He shot me his arrogant smirk that makes my heart flutter and he left immediately. Before I utter a word.

He didn't even say 'thank you'.