You seem to have a tendency running to me (Edited)

Rosella Jones

Waking up early in the morning is not my finest thing to do. Especially, when I'm not a morning person. But I usually always get up early at 4:30 or 5 to do my workout only then go back to sleep. I always get irked when I'm enjoying my sleep and there's someone or something that wakes me up.

Like today or I mean right now, the sound of tik tok from Kesha blasted through my phone early in the morning. That song just never gets old. Instantly, I'm awake and I know who's calling me in this hour.

"What Jessie?" I yawned and scratch my head.

"Wake up dear, it's almost 5, it's time for your workout," she said reminding me. I stop scratching my head "how do you know?" She laughed "I'm your manager dear, I know what you want, what've you been, and what're you doing. Now you're currently in the bed scratching your hair."

I drop my hand down "I was scratching but, never mind, you know it's kinda creepy that you know what I'm doing."

"It is my job dear, now get your lazy ass out the bed and I'll send the driver to your house at 6:30." with that she hung up.

I groaned and drag myself to the bathroom and get change to my sportswear. Before I do my intense workout I always run for about 20-30 minutes but don't forget to stretch your muscles first. Then, I start doing my workout, first I do workouts for my abs, second my legs, and third my arm.

And now I think I'm going to die, this is just an average workout when I'm lazy to go to the gym. My personal trainer Blake, let's just say he's a pain no gain person. So he gives me a very intense workout.

After I'm done doing my workout for 1 hour 15 minutes, I hurriedly take a shower because I only have 15 minutes left before the driver picks me up. Washing my hair in a hurry and scrubbing my body with my favorite soap, I rinse myself letting all the grease in my body went off.

I walked to my walk-in closet and get dressed in skinny jeans and a white cropped top shirt, I pair it with my black leather jacket and black heels. I walked to my vanity table and put on light makeup and decide to just let my hair down. I put on some round earrings and my MK watch. After I'm done checking myself in the mirror I go and grab my Chanel handbag and went downstairs.

Grabbing an apple from the counter, I headed to the front door and see there's the driver Jessie meant. Checking my watch it's 6:40, which means I'm 10 minutes late. Oh, shoot. I got in the car and apologize for keeping him waiting, we drove out from the mansion to our destination.

We finally arrived at the building at 7:05, I'm five minutes late. I rushed out and headed to the elevator good thing no paparazzi early in the morning.

"Finally you arrived!!" Jessie said in an exaggerating tone and I rolled my eyes "Jeez... I'm only late for five minutes, not an hour."

"Still, time is money, now come on and go change we have a photoshoot to do." Jessie shoo me to the dressing room where the make-up artist and hairstylist are waiting for me.

When they're done styling me I quickly put on the outfit that has been chosen for me. With one last look at the mirror, I grab the Chanel bag and walked to the studio, and start shooting.

"Perfect rose, nice, angle your head a little. Good, Now change!" This is what we've been doing for 2 hours, not that I don't like it but these guys are pretty friendly and I like it but I'm just tired and need some sleep. When you only sleep for 4 hours and 30 minutes you easily feel tired.

I got changed into my other outfit but before I went out my phone vibrate and I pick my phone to see my dad's calling me. "Hey dad, why are you calling me?"

"No, I just need to tell you that we'll have lunch at my friend's house okay?" I frowned "We?"

"Your mother, me, and you."

"But I can't dad I'm still shooting and besides I'm tired too, you could ask Ryan or Colton to come," I whined.

"No, you have to come or you're not allowed to model again." he said sternly and I start to panicked. "Okay, okay, I come you don't need to say that." I oblige and I hear my dad chuckled "See you then sweetie."

"Wait! I don't know where?"

"I'll send you the location."

"Okay bye, dad loves you."

"Love you too sweetie" I put my phone down and sigh. Guess my work is not done yet.

I walked back to the studio and continuing the shoot for hours. "Okay, good everyone that's a wrap!" I sigh heavily and get changed "Good work rose." the photographer hugs me "Thank you, nice working with you." he nodded and went out.

I quickly changed into the first outfit that I wear.

I then called a cab "Good work honey." my manager came in and hand me my bag "Thanks." I yawned and cover it with my hand. She chuckled "Now you could get home and have your sleep." I groaned "I wish." I mumbled.

"Wish what?" She furrowed her eyebrows "That I could go home and have my beauty sleep." I stand up and walked out from the studio with Jessie trailing behind me "Why wish if you could go home right now?" She looked at me confused.

"I can't my dad force me to attend this lunch with her old pal which I don't want to," I said annoyed at my dad forcing me to go to this lunch.

"You know the person?" I shake my head "I have no idea" I got in the elevator and so is she "Well maybe your dad wants you to meet with their son. Who knows."

"I don't even know if he has a son." I frowned "I mean is a good thing if he has a son you could talk to him make him date you and walla you're not alone again." I rolled my eyes at her "I don't need boys Jessie."

I walked out of the building and find my cab "Rose, come on you need to move on from that Samuel guy." oh yeah, did I mention that I had a boyfriend? We'll get into that later.

"Jessie please don't bring him up. I have nothing to do with him." I said sternly "Okay I'm sorry but you move on right?" I avoid her gaze and cleared my throat "Of course I am."

I looked around finally I find my cab "Okay, see you later Jessie bye." I got in my cab and told the driver the address.

Okay, so I had a boyfriend once, his name is Samuel Hastings. We've been dated for almost a year, I thought he loves me but I was wrong he just wanted to be with me because of my body.

On our 1st anniversary, I went to his apartment to surprise him after I got home from Italy. I was very excited because I bought him a pair of Adidas limited edition shoes that he wanted so I quietly walked to his apartment with the spare keys he gave me. I was confused because I saw a bra on the floor, is not like he wore a bra. So I went upstairs and I heard a girl moaning.

My heartbreak when I heard it.

I froze then burst into his room and found out he was kissing the naked girl's neck in his bed. My eyes widen with the sight I'm lost words, he was shocked to see me the girlfriend standing in front of his room.

He walked up to me and said 'this is not what it looked like' so I did the most reasonable thing a girl would do. I slap him, he was shocked at first but suddenly he yelled at me.

"Why did you slap me!?" He shouted.

"Why did you cheat on me!?" I yelled back. My eyes are blazing with fury.

"You expect me to have a good plain relationship with you? I'm a man I have needs and you're not fulfilling my needs!!" I'm shocked to see his response. So he wanted to be my boyfriend because he wants to have sex with me?

I slap him hard one more time and thrusting the box harshly in my hand to his chest "Happy first anniversary babe, we're done." I said in a sickly sweet voice and left him.

The next day he called me a dozen times and message me saying he was sorry and all those shit. He even called my manager so that's why Jessie knows it. I blocked his number and delete all things that involved him.

And that's pretty much how my relationship goes.

"Miss we're here." I pay him and got out of the cab. I looked around the place and frowned this place is not far from home I thought.

I walked to the security and tell him who I am, he opened the gate and let me I'm. I walked up to the door and press the doorbell. A maid opened the door and greet me "good afternoon miss, come in the others are waiting for you." I smile at her and walked in.

She leads me to the dining room where everyone is seated and chatting. I cleared my throat and they all look up to me. "Rose you finally came, come seat," my dad said and I seat next to my mom.

"James this is my daughter, Rosella."

"You have a lovely daughter Michael, I'm James Landon and this is my wife, Patricia."

I nod my head and smile "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Landon." wait!! This is not the Landon I'm thinking right?

"Sorry I'm late." a deep voice said from the hallway coming through the dining room. I looked up to see the person and my eyes widen. He was the person from last night at the charity event. Now I could see his face more clearly.

His brown eyes to his sharp jawline and his broad shoulder. He is strikingly attractive, every girl will fall for his looks aside from his personality if I hadn't known him I would probably like him but too bad I know him.

"Kyle, you came." his dad exclaimed, "Of course dad." he walked to his mother and kissed her on the cheek then sit next to her. Means he is in front of me. Couldn't this day get any better?

"You two already know each other right?" his dad said and Kyle looked genuinely confused "what do you mean dad?"

"What you two never met?" His dad sharing a confused looked with my dad "But the two of you went to the same high school." oh no, he's going to know.

"We only met last night at the event but I don't know that we went to the same high school." I decide to just sit quietly and let the parents explain.

"This is Rosella Jones" he still looked a little confused so I decided to talk "Hello Kyle, I'm Rosella or should I say Choco chips." I gave him my best sweetest smile and his eyes widen.

"No, it can't be, the Rosella I know is..." I cut him off "Ugly, face full of a pimple, always wear an oversize hoodie and a nerd?" I could feel my anger starting to rise but I try to calm myself.

"It is you!" Kyle exclaimed and I rolled my eyes "Can we carry on with the lunch?" They looked at us confused but nodded absentmindedly.

We start eating dad and Mr. Landon is talking about business, mom and Mrs. Landon are talking about fashion, and here I am eating while Kyle looking at me stunned.

I rolled my eyes and mouthed 'what' clearly getting annoyed by his stare. He shook his head and start eating his food. As I was about to eat, my phone vibrated inside my bag, I took it out and saw my manager called me.

What is it again?

I excuse myself and went to the backyard to answer the phone.

"Hello Jessie?"

"Rose, sorry for bothering you but I got a called from Estee lauder, they said they want you to come to their event."

"What kind of event?"

"They are launching a new product this week and since your their BA they want you to come." I nodded my head even though she couldn't see me.

"Okay, when?"

"In two days and don't forget you have a shoot with Estee lauder for their new product tomorrow at 2."

"Okay, thanks for telling me bye Jessie." I hung up and sigh, guess my schedule is pretty full but it's okay it's my dream anyway.

I smile at the thought and went back but I accidentally bumped into someone. "Ouch, I'm so sorry, I di-" I lift my head and stopped when I see the person.

"You seem to have a tendency running to me," he said smirking.

"'And you seem to have a tendency to show up out of nowhere," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. I was about to walked back in but he grabbed my arms and I looked at him.

"Are you sure you're the same rose that I know?" He looked at me with so much intensity in his eyes.

"Well I don't know, what do you think?"

"Well I think, the rose that I know is quite shy, wore glasses and an oversize hoodie, can't talk back, and a nerd."

"Don't forget the pimple and bad skin," I add. "Yes, you mention that before."

"Well sorry to break it up to you but the rose you're talking about is no longer exists," I said bravely.

"What happened to you?" He raised his eyebrow.

I let out a cold chuckle "What happened to me? I grew up Kyle and I'm not the same person that you like to mess up with" I'm about to leave him but he holds my arm prevents me to go.

"Don't say that you're still mad about what happened years ago?" He asked wondering. "I'm not, so could you let me go?" He looked at me one more time before letting me go and I walked back into the dining room.

I sighed heavily and hoping this lunch will be over soon.