Happy new year - Part 2

Standing in front of the mirror, I check my appearance one more time to make sure I looked perfect for tonight party. Once I feel satisfied with my looked, I walked back to my room and grab my phone.

6:45. The guest must have arrived.

I don’t know why but I feel nervous, my palms are sweating and my heart beat increasing. Remember rose just keep calm, inhale,exhale, inhale, exhale. Once I feel calm enough, I walked out of the room to greet the guest. I descend the stairs and at the same time the Landon stepped inside the house. My family are there to greet them, my eyes found Kyle looking so dashing with his matching grey Armani suit. Once his eyes found mine, I quickly looked away so he wouldn’t know that I actually checking him out.

I could feel his stare but I didn’t looked at his direction. I suppressed the urge to smirk. Once my feet are landed on the floor, I walked to them and greet the Landon.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Landon" I shook their hands.