I got you now

Rosella Jones

True to dad words, I’m being grounded.

It has been 4 days and my dad only allowed me to go out for work but not hanging out which is suck.

I’m freaking 24 and yet he still ground me.

Currently, I’m in my room just laying down while staring at the ceiling. A sigh escaped my lips. I feel like I’m 16 again, being grounded because I sneak out from the house. I sat up and glance at the clock. It’s still 4 o’clock.

I groan slightly and walked out from my room. Heading down to the kitchen to take some ice cream, my eyes caught a familiar face in the living room. I turn around and scrunched my eyebrow in confusion.

"Daniel? What are you doing here?" their head snapped to look at my direction. Daniel slightly smile at me. "Hey Rose" I walked towards them still looking confused.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We were discussing business, Daniel here just dropping this file form his father" my mouth formed an O while nodding my head.