What a reunion!

Rosella Jones

"He did what?" I asked.

"He kept sending me flowers and chocolate and any other gift with him. And he apologize to me a dozen times said he regret what he did to me but I still doubt it"

"What did you do with his gift?"

"When he first came to my apartment, he brought me a flower then I threw in his face. Since then he’s not the one who send the flower and that other stuff in person"

"Is he still bothering you?" she sighed deeply. "Sadly yes! And it’s annoying. He even send me food when I was working and there’s a note on top saying that I should eat or I will get sick" she exclaimed.

"Reminds me of someone" I muttered. "What?"

"Nothing, listen Adeline, just follow what your hearts says. And if it’s tell you to forgive him then do it."

"But what if I forgive him then he ask me out on a date? What if he ask for a second chance and I’m not willing to give him?"