First time in everything

Rosella Jones

Swaying to the beat of the song as we slow dance. One of his hands is on my waist why the other is holding my hand. The same goes for me, my left hand is on his shoulder while the right is holding him.

"So you’re going to ignore me till the song ends?" I looked at his face for a split second then looked away.

Why am I here again?

"If that what it takes then yes." Why did Daniel have to get a phone call? Like why now? Why not later? It looks like my fate wanted me to meet with Kyle.

"I don’t know why you’re mad at me, to be honest. I didn’t do anything wrong." I scoffed. Boys are so damn clueless. Or maybe, they are just stupid.

"You didn’t do anything wrong," I said without looking at him. Where is Daniel when I need him? I was so wrong coming to this party but it’s my dad’s company anniversary and I don’t want him to be disappointed in me.