Worst day

Kyle POV

I briskly walked downstairs because I’m late for my meeting today. "Kyle, you don’t want to have breakfast before you go?"

"I want to but I’m late for a meeting. I see you guys later." I said then walked out of my house. Entering my Ferrari, I drive at high speed so I could arrive early. I glance the time at my wristwatch and there are 6 minutes left before the investor came.

Today’s meeting is very important and the investor who is coming is a well-known investor. That’s why I need to be there early to show my professionalism. And I need that investor to invest in my company.

I sped up my car and finally, I arrived at my building, In haste, I stepped out of the car and walked inside. Making my way to the lift, I stop once I saw the lift is pack. I curse under my breath.

If the only dad allowed me to build a private lift.