Make you fall for me

Kyle Landon

Tapping my pen repeatedly at the table for I don’t know how long, I sighed and threw the pen on the table. Sighing frustratingly, I put my head down on the table. The door of my office open but I didn’t lookup. I stay in the same position.

"Kyle? You okay man?" bringing my head up, I saw Jack standing in front of my desk looking confused. "I don’t know if okay is the right word." Jack sat at the chair in front of me. "Is about her right?"

I nodded weakly. "The news starting to pop up everywhere."

"So what?" I frowned at him. "What do you mean by, so what?"

Jack leaned forward. "Do you like her?"

"I-" I try to say something but it didn’t come out. He raised his eyebrows. "See, you don’t even know if you like her?"

"Is not that I don’t like her,"