I think I heard him wrong

Rosella Jones

As I arrived at the club, I immediately got out after paying for the taxi. Making my way inside, my eyes quickly scanned around the place for a certain someone. I walked past the sweaty and horny adult dancing on the dance floor hoping to find Kyle.

Where is he?

I searched for Kyle on the first floor for 3 minutes and even went to the men’s restroom but I found none. I head up to the second floor where the VIP room is located. In the first 2 rooms, there isn’t any sign of Kyle. Then I went to the 3 room where I saw Kyle is laying on the floor.

"Kyle?" I crouched down and shake his shoulder. He only mumbling something coherently in response. My head turned to look at the table which I saw there are one empty bottle and one-half empty.

I turned back to looked at him bewildered. Is this man crazy? Who the hell even drink 2 bottles of alcohol on workdays?

Oh yeah, Kyle Landon obviously.