What is the reason?

Rosella Jones

I yawn as soon as I wake up. Sliding my feet out from the bed, I stood up and stretched my limbs. I head to the bathroom to do my morning routine then head down to the dining room to have some breakfast. As soon as I get there, I spotted my parents and brothers except for Lucas.

"Good morning," both of my parents looked up at me. "Morning sweetie." I kissed both of their cheeks then sit next to my mom.

"You didn’t give us any kiss?" Colton commented and I rolled my eyes.

"No, you stink."

"Said the one who hasn’t take shower."

"At least I am not sweaty." I stuck my tongue out at him then proceed to fill my plate with food. "Why do the two of you always fight?" mom asked. "Not me. I didn’t do anything." Ryan immediately said.

"So Ryan," Colton started off. "What?"

"I saw the news." I scrunched my eyebrow wondering what kind of news as I eat my bacon.

"What news?"