What truth?

Rosella Jones

I could say today is full of surprises. First, I forgot today is my parent's marriage anniversary, second, Kayla made me sing in front of the guests and invited Dean that I haven't seen him since god knows when and third, Kyle is standing in front of us and glared at Dean out of the blue. But my guess is probably because of their past.

I didn’t even know Kyle will attend this party.

"Hey Kyle, what are you doing here?" I said trying to act casually. He shifted his gaze to me then back to Dean.

"Oh, you remember Dean right?" I said.

He nodded "Of course, how could I forget?" Kyle said sarcastically. Dean steps forward and extends his hand, for a moment I was sure Kyle still has a grudge against Dean cause he hasn't shaken his hand only looking at Dean straight in the eye. When Dean almost withdrew his hands, Kyle finally shook his hand.

I closed my eyes and breath out in relief that Kyle shook his hand or not it will be awkward.

"Landon," Dean said.