It's beautiful

Rosella Jones

"You're mean. Give me a hint?"

"Okay, we're going out." I looked at him in disbelief "What kind of hint is that?" Kyle shrugged "You told me to give you a hint and there it is." I cross my arms over my chest "You're just like my brothers." I pouted. Kyle glanced at me and touch the tip of my nose.

"You're cute." I playfully rolled my eyes "Of course I am." the rest of the road, we sat in a comfortable silence only the radio that keeps us company.

The car came to a stop and I look around only to see darkness everywhere. Scrunching my eyebrow in confusion, I turned to Kyle but he's already got out of the car and opening my door. He let out his hand and I take it. Kyle told me to close my eyes and I did.