How long has it been, since the Blight purged the unkind, the merit, the purveyor, and the conqueror?
I have seen the horrors of war and saw the end of those who have waged, but winning the war didn’t change anything. The end causes more hate and distrust among the remaining men.
Perhaps, the gods have been too kind to let the men survive the Blight. They should’ve let us all burn.
I too was a warrior. I fought for the justice I believe before, but the country I served betrayed the people and to that extent, we failed to rise up against the usurpers.
I do not know what will come next, but I know, it will be worse. Not even the Oracles, Arbiter, the righteous Ark Renevaes nor the Hunters and Predators – the Jaegers so to speak, can foresee what was about to come.
Tis fear people to be paralyzed, some sees fear as a motivation, others for manipulation. I, too fear, but none of those that has mention, but for the future. And I will prepare for the battle that has yet to come.