Showdown of two monsters

The tall man called out his younger comrade. His voice is deep and ragged but a hint of a gentle character can be felt through his voice.

“Maximo, do you think it’s wise that I should take the lead? After all, I defeated this kind of monster before. Not that I brag, but I am qualified enough to do the job.”

Maximo, the guy who easily put down the Deziun Alle on the ground hisses.

“Hey, Dorian. Just to be fair, you took all of the fun. You didn’t give me the chance to fight it.”

“Is that the reason why you’re so hyped when you heard that the enemy, we are facing is a Deziun Alle?”


Dorian shakes his head.

“Maximo, the only thing that can hurt that monster is holy or divine magic. And neither of those you possess. Hence, you must allow me to lead the battle.”

His broad shoulder shrugs.

“Hey. Just this once, give this guy to me. You had your fun last time, now is my time.”