Moving on

When the jar is empty and the lively place has died out, Alastor swallowed the last of the booze. He stole a glance to her glass. He decided to guzzled her booze. Now that she’s mentioned in his mind, Caroline’s asleep like a log for some time now. Alastor felt a creepy sense lingering somewhere in his back, around 8 o’clock, he shrugged their gaze and proceeded on checking up on her.

Alastor who’s barely feel anything at all from the booze swipe her arms around his neck and piggyback her. With her efforts exerts during the fight, she deserves at least a break and a booze on her stomach.

They proceeded and smoothly jostled through the crowds until they took a wide turn where the clamor of the bustling crowds had slowly died in his ears.

The creeping eyes had reached his sense again.