The time she realizes

Back when she was little, it was the first time Linda saw the outside world. Her clothes were ragged, her tiny legs are tired, but as soon as she got out from the forest, the feeling of impotency completely gone.

It was her first memory on the outside world. The striking view from the grand canyon had engrossed her eyes as though she has not seen this magnificent view. The warm draped of the sun linger on her graciously. It was at this time little Linda grew fond of the nature.


Linda was caught on by some monsters. It’s a pack of Coywolf.

She’s pinned and she’s tired. Linda has been on the run over the midnight, up until dawn.

She covered herself. Her tears dropping nonstop.

Not long after, she heard a slash. A hissed of blade against the ground. The following was a loud crashed of body against the wood. Whimpered came from the Coywolf. Another gasping breath and there’s an eerie silence.

She heard footsteps and it’s certainly coming towards her.