Mr. Funny Man flew, evading the sound blast. Once again, his speed decreases, and turns back. He instantly conjured several vortices of wind, canceling Benny’s attacks.
Their attacks came to a halt once they’d run out of breath. Benny panted heavily. Mr. Funny Man, on the other hand, appeared to be not affected by the large amount of mana he used.
“It appears that our Inquiara Magic are equal. What about in physical strength?”
Benny unsheathed his blade and pushed forward. However, Mr. Funny Man won’t just stand idly by. A vortex of wind came after Benny and postponed his plan.
He leaped and compressed the sound waves, blasting the vortex of wind.
“Tsk.” Benny hisses. “Damn. Haha. I completely forgot your wind magic. You are completely impenetrable.”
Mr. Funny Man landed on the surface. His eyes are still stoic.
“Of course. What do you take me for? An idiot?”
Benny chuckled. “Well then. Let’s try again, shall we?”