Alastor did not expect it will go well.
After he got pushed back to his world, the shaky and nauseating sensation he was well aware about was not troubling at all. At first, his muscle memory may have been dulled, but it slowly came back to him for few minutes. He got up from sitting down the portal he went from.
Alastor slowly walked outside the temple when he heard several noises. Without much manner of care around him, he found himself on top of mountain, scoured by several familiar monsters. It was already at daybreak. He wasn’t worried about the monsters, it was about the unknown geography he was being cautious. Alastor went on while being wary around him.
Considering the numerous plants he observed upon his arrival, was considering he was on another region or worse on another continent. The thought of it was useless, so Alastor did not dwell on it. Instead, he traced the road and memorize every roads he encountered until it became fork.