
Alastor could see his name were carved in silver lining and was ranked as bronze. Bronze level were the opening level for a beginner adventurers alike. That would be right for him since this was the first time he registered and integrated in the system.

“Thank you for waiting.”

As soon as the clerk handed out the three by three identification card, Alastor scanned at the quest board behind the tall frame of glass at the lounge area. At its side was a panel where his card supposed to slide in order to confirm the selection. With that being said, Alastor slid his card, and the screen told him to place his card on the selected quest. The mission was about hunting a gremlin. The hunt was supposed to be easy enough for him and the prize for its head were plenty for him to buy a ticket, but upon following the instruction, the panel bleep red and said ‘Quest no longer available.’