2. Transmigrated As A Runaway Concubine

"Huh? Why is everything so soft? Is this a bed made in heaven? Did I really got into heaven? Am i qualified?" Li Jie thought as he regained his consciousness. He still closed his eyes, but his senses definitely know that he was lying in a comfortable bed. He slowly opened his eyes and all he could see is the transparent red curtain all around him.

"Am I in hell?" he thought. Well, some stories such as the bible said that, you could see a bright light once you die and your soul will going to be judged if you're going to live in heaven or hell. But, it seemed like it was not the case. He looked at the furnishes and furniture around the room he dwelled. Based on the texture and style of the carvings, it was ancient. All around him was ancient. If he did not reincarnated, then perhaps he transmigrated?

"Oh right. I transmigrated. If this was hell then I should be swimming with the lava by now," he mumbled causing him to scratch his head. But why the hell did he transmigrated? Did the Gods took pity on this boy that he should deserve to live?

'Is this some kind of a novel? What a cliche.'

What's there to pity him? He's a merciless criminal.

Li Jie was about to sit up when he feel the immense pain swirling inside his head. "Ow! My cerebrum!" he screeched, grasping his long hair that was about to reach his knee. Now that he grasped it, it took a while when he realized that his hair had grown so long.

As the pain remained, a memory flashed inside Li Jie's brain. Like as what he assumed, it was indeed the memory of the past soul's body.

They had the same name and face, though this current body was way more weaker than his previous one. He had six brothers who pampered him like a child. The most shocking part is that those six brothers of him looked like his six fathers in the past, although they looked a bit younger. More like, their looks were in middle 20's and 30's.

In this current body's situation, he wandered off to the town to buy food. He was hungry to the point that he couldn't take it. One of the reason is that he was separated from his brother who accompanied him till then. However, some bandits took him off and sold him from a high official. A certain official's daughter who was going to be the General's soon-to-be concubine was against this marriage and let Chen Li Jie became a substitute. But because Chen Li Jie was drugged and unconscious, he didn't know that his body was being sold off to an official and immediately sent off his body to the General's manor. Even though he was a boy, his features were more beautiful than the prettiest woman ever lived. Too bad that he encountered such miserable fate. And because of the drug, he merely lost his life.

For a boy, the current Chen Li Jie was as beautiful as a goddess. With his snowy skin, smooth, thin upper lip and plump lower lip with the color of cherry, his ebony long hair that looked stunning, though this person looked a bit like him on the feminine side, he possessed rare and unique heterochromia eyes, which he didn't have. His original eye color was hazel. This rare eyes in which it looks like glowing gems, like a deep sapphire on the left and an astonishing emerald on the right, beautifully captivating. One would bewitched by him as he looked at his slim and delicate body, like a female. Though his appearance was like this, Li Jie didn't like it at all. He loved his body more. His past body was firmer and bigger, this body was a body of an imp! What did this man eat?!

"HAHAHA! Not interesting at all." There he goes with his expression again. Even things that was not considered as funny, he still laughed like a psychopath and immediately changed into his murderer's face, as if he had a serious schizophrenia. He didn't know that the maid was staring at him outside the room. Chen Li Jie's dark aura immersed around him, making the maid outside the room scared and reluctant to step on her way to the concubine. Anyway, she still have to go.

The maid went inside the room and halted beside the bed, facing Li Jie who was laying on the bed and stared at her with cold eyes. His gaze made the maid's legs shaken. She wanted to run away.

"Greetings Lady Chen, the General will be arriving soon for your first wedding night." The maid greeted bowing her head and with her elbows lifted up in an angle the same as her shoulder, hands clasped with each other.

"Me? Lady? Is she sick? First night? What first night?" Li Jie screamed in thoughts, confused on what was about to happen.

"Me, a lady?! It can't be!" Li Jie immediately touched his thing and finally sighed as a relief when he felt the thing was there.

"I got shivers for a moment there," he thought. He looked at his body and a grim clouded his face, he was wearing a wedding hanfu. His face cannot be explained when he looked around him. Red, all red. Beside the foot of the bed, there was a small table with two wine goblets tied with red strings, and a half-cooked buns in a plate, placed on the top of the table. He sure knows that this was the First night ritual. Oh dear, he don't want his ass got ripped. Li Jie felt fear for the first time.

He's going to marry a stranger. Even though Li Jie was a criminal, he remained virgin in his past life. He even died as a virgin. He was not against same-sex relationships but he was not into it either.

"Okay, you can go out now." He dismissed the maid who was about to pee her skirt. The maid didn't even know why she was afraid of the delicate young man whom she thought was a woman, but his aura was dark, full of murder intent making her scared of her life being taken. So without hesitation, she went out of the room as soon as possible without looking back.

"Where did that concubine came from?" The maid thought, lost in her thoughts. On the other hand, Li Jie was thinking on how to escape from the General. With this body, how is he going to move freely?

Li Jie stood up and got out from the bed, standing from the clean floor of the bridal chamber. And now, he tested his strength. He doesn't know how weak this body is. He found it strange, his body was slim and delicate but his strength remained the same. Could it possibly mean that he took all his abilities with him when he died? If that's the case, then escaping this night is easy than stitching bodies.

He thought that this hanfu he wore may a bit looked longer so he ripped the part that was about to reach the floor revealing his underpants. He also ripped the long sleeve of the hanfu, revealing the fair skin of his forearm down to the tip of his fingers. There was a window beside the bed, a tall tree residing beside it. The moon outside was glowing too. In a matter of seconds now, the General might be coming to the bridal chamber. Li Jie needed to think before that happens.

On the other hand, the General was in his office, handling some matters about the war. He was a bit stressed about it and forgot about the wedding. He was sitting at the gordon chair with a lot of papers piled up in the desk. He got his senses back when his assistant knocked his head with a scroll. The General looked at Lim Hao, coldness spread through his face. Lim Hao just scoffed and crossed his arms, making his green hanfu's sleeve a bit messy. If he was not the General's friend, Lim Hao might've been dead by now.

"Your concubine is waiting for you in the chamber. Shouldn't you be going now?" Lim Hao muttered, glancing at the cold face of the General as he(G) stared intensely to him. Lim Hao sighed and shook his head in disbelief.

"What did you find out today?" General Feng Delun asked as he lifted up his head to look at Lim Hao's face, ignoring the question. Lim Hao raised his brows and smirked at Delun's question.

"Sadly, that scumbag of an official bought someone in replace of her daughter. The guards I ordered to spy Official Liu's actions found something that might catch your eye. Instead of his daughter, a mere peasant was brought into the mansion." Lim Hao explained to the General with ridicule from the official. A cold smile broke into the General's face. A smile that emits immense aura that could bring anyone on their knees. Lim Hao was not affected by it since they were childhood friends, he was immune to it.

"Oh?" The General exclaimed, his cold eyes could trigger your soul by just looking at it. He couldn't believe that official's scheme. 'Is his brain as small as a grain of rice?' the General thought. The General was irritated at the news that Lim Hao brought, but he couldn't just barged in from that official's manor without thinking.

"He wanted to play? Then let that official play then. Let him pray that he will not fall by my hands." The General said ruthlessly.

"General, i still have one thing to say. That person inside the chamber may be a peasant, but I also forgot that he is a man. Though he looked like a woman as beautiful as a goddess, his eye color was unique too." Lim Hao scratched his chin, looking at the ceiling as if he was thinking suspiciously. The General looked at Lim Hao with disappointment.

That official had a lot of guts to bring a mere peasant here, and more importantly, a man. Is he that desperate to humiliate me? he thought.

"What about this so called peasant's eye color?" The General asked with curiosity. His hands lay flat on the table full of scrolls and papers, letting it relax for a bit. He also looked at standing Lim Hao with his hand lay across his body and on the other hand still holding his chin, supporting his elbow on the other hand that lay across his body.

"As what the guards said, he have a different eye color. Color as deep as a sapphire on the left and forest emerald on the right. I could say, it's quite rare."

The General hummed after hearing Lim Hao's statement. He found it quite interesting. A man as beautiful as a woman, also possess such beautiful eyes. Though, for sure the people in the Qin dynasty regarded this as cursed for they hadn't been encountered such eyes that differ in color. Although, this matter is quite intriguing for the General. So, he decided that he will go to the bridal chamber for tonight.

"Okay then. I shall see it for myself. Let this General excuse for tonight." The General stepped out of his room and went straight to the bridal chamber, leaving Lim Hao behind.

"This General, ayiaahh! He's pushing his works on me again!"

On the other hand, Li Jie was about to escape from the window. But he needs to calculate the distance of the tree and the angle of the branch he needs to land on.

"Hmm, window from below, 15 ft. tall. Tree, 10 ft. tall, window to the branch, hmm, 60°. Thickness of the branch, 5m wide. Perfect." He mumbled. He stood up to the thin windowpane, his ripped hanfu swaying in the breeze, moonlight illuminating his snowy skin that he looked like a diety.

Just as he was about to jump, the General stepped in the bridal chamber, shocked at the scenery in front of his presence. A pair of sapphire and emerald eyes stared right in front of him, with his delicate features added to the ripped hanfu, Li Jie may be looked a little bit messy but his beauty cannot be leveled. The General had never encountered such beauty before in his life, not even the scum Liu's daughter. This beauty's level was max. He's a man though.

This was supposed to be a ritual, but it seems this peasant was not afraid of what the General would do if he managed catch up with him.

Lie Ji smirked, a beauty in disguise. He smirked like a villain.

"HAHA! Gotta go!" Li Jie laughed like a madman, he always do that and leaped through the window, causing the General shocked to his wits. The General was fuming with anger. Who would defy him like this? Even his concubines can't resist his charms, yet that peasant...

"Catch that man!" The General ordered his shadow guards, but Li Jie's movements were quicker than his shadow guards. His movements were like acrobatics in the ancient history, the shadow guards even fell from Li Jie's skills. The shadow guards asked themselves, 'who is this wo-man?' What would you expect from one of the best assassin from the 21st century? A merciless killer and a ruthless mercenary, of course! No one would question his skills, because he was a bit superior.

One of the shadow guards appeared right in front of Feng Delun and immediately went on his knees.

"General, we tried to catch up with that concubine but his pace and speed are much faster than us. His fighting kills are amazing too. He may have a delicate body but his strength is much stronger. The shadow guards who catch up with him had been blown away."

The General's blood boiled with anger that he kicked the door, causing it to fly. The shadow guard flinched after the door displaced, making the shadow guard scared to death.

"I'll get you, remember that, weird eyes." He grumbled. It took seconds after he came up with that nickname. He then stormed out of the bridal chamber and went straight to his office.

He kicked the door open causing Lim Hao who was cleaning the General's mess startled.

He saw the General's miserable face and immediately flopped his body to the spare bed.

Lim Hao laughed at the General inside. Serves you right! He thought.