17. Incoming Snowstorm

Thunderstorms resonated in the dark skies that feared every critters and places in Xianyang. As the time galloped the day, pitter patters of raindrops showered the city. The news of the massacre happened in the Chen household scattered throughout the city, making the nearby citizens feared the certain phenomenon. Thanks to the General and to the only Chen who engaged in battle, Min Zhe, no one was hurt inside. As the one who caused such mess, Minister Steward Liu was outraged for the failure of his plan.

“Useless! Totally useless!” the Minister threw all the things to every corners of his room. The room was a mess, and the servants nearly peed their pants from fear. No one dared to provoke the Minister that was about to go insane. Who knows, they will end their life after they went in.

“Lady Mingmei has arrived!” The servant exclaimed, and they opened the door for her. The girl with an excessive make up that looked like a tortured ghost, robes with blindsiding colors of red, green, yellow and white. If one would look at her, then one could obviously tell that the girl looks just like a Christmas geisha.

“Father! I don’t want to marry an old man!” the brat shouted, she almost looked like his ugly father.

“Quiet! You cannot marry the General. Is that enough?!” the Minister shouted at her daughter, making her daughter flinched. But deep inside, she was rejoiced knowing her plan worked. Inside her head, who on Earth would want to marry an old man? In her insight, the General was old, and had a beard. For a girl who had high standards, the General doesn't suit her taste. She doesn't know, that that man he thought, was the most handsome man who lived in the Qin Dynasty.

“Get out this instant!” the father ordered, the daughter then hurriedly followed. As she went out, her ugly face showed a wide smile. She walked to the hallways of her house with pride and arrogance, her robes that almost looked like Christmas lights swayed in the air. Her twisted face looks even more twisted than before.

On the household, the General decided to stay with his ‘wife’ for two days. After the massacre happened, the General was unwilling to leave unless his ‘wife’ will go with him. Li Jie glared at the General, also, he felt helpless. He doesn't why the General was so obsessed of getting him that he really came here by his own. The General will wait for Li Jie's brothers to come and tell them personally about Li Jie as his wife, temporarily. Just after the case will be finished, then he can let the man go.

Right now, Delun sat in Li Jie's bed and scanned every corners of the room. He observed how neat the room's condition, so unlikely to the owner. He also observed how feminine this room was. Of course he could tell, especially when his eyes landed on the table full of cosmetics and colorful hairpins. Not just that, the dress that Li Jie wore was feminine too. His robes were sky blue colored, with a floral design on the sleeve. These robes are worn only for women, but with Li Jie everything is possible because of his features. Even if he wears a rag, his beauty will only be revealed even more.

“Ahem!” the sweet voice with a hint of annoyance echoed on the General’s ears. He then looked at the beautiful young man who was carrying a bowl of congee standing on the room's door. He doesn't know why, there was an ache deep down in his heart that he cannot explain. Then he brushed it off and gave the young man a smile. A smile that could melt ladies' hearts.

‘Why is he looking at me like that? Creepy.’ To all the people that the General met, Li Jie is the only one who thought his smile was creepy, the same as Lim Hao and all his guards.

“Eat.” He ordered, the General then smiled even wider when Li Jie gave him his meal. As he went closer, the General's handsomeness reflected on his heterochromia orbs. Later, his heart reacted again.

‘Damn it. My hypertension is on it again!’ Li Jie thought as he clutched his chest. He lowered his face avoiding the General's gaze, afraid to find out that his cheeks were as red as crimson and hot as chili pepper. He didn't know that this is the symptoms of hypertension. And, this time he really hated the feeling.

The two sat in the bed, maintaining their distance. Delun leaned on the head bed and took a spoon of congee shoved in his mouth while Li Jie just sat in the soft bed quietly. The sound of crickets vibrated on their imaginative minds feeling the awkwardness flashed between them. Li Jie noticed the uncomfortable atmosphere thus he spoke solemnly, avoiding the awkwardness.

“W-well General…” Li Jie spoke until the General cut him off.

“Delun. Call me Delun.” Delun corrected, making the other even more awkward. ‘Calling him by his name, does that sound even more uncomfortable?’ he thought as his questioning gaze made on the other's face.

“But, isn't that a bit disrespectful General?” Li Jie protested, doesn't had any intention to utter his name. He wished he could read Delun's mind, at least he could tell what's going on. He cannot read Delun's movements at all. It is as if the latter was a bipolar ice berg. He had a stoic face, but sometimes he can be a bit mischievous, sometimes he smiled without any reason and then he frowned immediately. Seriously, he really looked like those tsundere ice berg.

But inside Delun's thoughts, the latter who sat in the bed with him reminded him his lovely cat who always scratched him if it was being teased. ‘He is just like Ai.’ He thought, grinning.

‘He’s an airhead. Why is he smiling on his own? I should talk to Jiang Hua to check him thoroughly. It looks like he had a brain damage.’ Li Jie thought as he caught the handsome man grinning to himself.

Unbeknownst to the other, Delun was amused at Li Jie's actions. How can a person so adorable and formidable at the same time? However, he still couldn't forget that this little one was responsible for abusing his little brother. Delun calmed his thoughts and pursed his lips. He then looked at Li Jie who was gaining his fangs against the latter.

“You should. After all, you're going to be my wife, right?” Delun uttered making the corners of Li Jie's lips twitched. He had an urge to smack the person's face if he hadn't control his temper. How could he say that easily? Isn't he afraid of the certain consequences?

Li Jie “Just what is your motive General…”

General “Delun.”

“Fine! Just what is your motive Delun? What are my benefits?” Li Jie's brows raised. He waited for the handsome young man's answer and expected something good. It's okay if this is only an agreement, so that he could annul the contract if needed. But if this is going to be permanent, he wondered if everything will be okay.

“You are my official wife, and I won't engage in any harem. You will be titled as the Main Madame in the Feng manor and the safety of your family is my responsibility. You are going to have a good life, and I will pamper you with love. And also, you have a handsome husband to look up every time you wake up in the morning.” Delun smiled as he put down the bowl of congee and drank the water in the cup.

‘Everything is okay except that last statement. Why would I marry such narcissistic man?! I think I’m going to puke!’

“I agreed except the handsome part.” Because that is me dumbass!

“So, you agreed? You seemed so against about it. Why agree now?” the General asked as Li Jie looked at him seriously. Li Jie thought about this since he doesn't have power over anything. It was only a matter to himself, and no one knew it aside from himself and now, to the General as well.

“If this can make my family safe, then why should I have to decline? If loving you is the key to the safety of my family, then I won't mind.” He said as he sighed heavily. But he kept pursuing himself to not going to fall in love with the General, or he will face deep wounds in the future. Judging from the General's personality, he was not the one he thought the same as the other people. I'm sure, the General had many secrets than he ever imagined. Better be early than to lose something in the end.

“You don’t have to force yourself to love me. If you don't want to love me, then don't. But for me, I only care for your safety since you are involved by the Minister's schemes against me.” He explained briefly as Li Jie looked at him indifferently.

“If that is the case, will you annul our relationship if the Minister has fallen?” Li Jie asked as the General nodded. Somehow, he felt an indescribable feeling deep down his chest that made him sad and uncomfortable. ‘Maybe, it's just my thoughts.’

“Okay. Deal.” Delun looked at the adorable young man and Li Jie showed his stunning smile. There is only one thing that could describe him,


Delun was stunned seeing how beautiful the smile Li Jie had, and a memory flashed inside his head that made him bitter. No matter how beautiful he is, he still cannot forget the person that his heart once called out. He wanted to forget, but he simply cannot. He was trapped in the past and was imprisoned by the feelings he had.

Li Jie noticed the bitterness of Delun's expression and was confused. What did he thought that made him look like this?

‘No. It's none of my business.’ He shook his head and moved himself towards the General closer. Their bodies were an inch apart and they could feel the warmth of their skin. Li Jie was stunned. What is this feeling? It seems like he was electrified by just a single touch of the handsome man and his heart quickened its pace.

‘Heart attack. Hypertension. Yes, I need to cure this disease or else I will go crazy. Damn it! I don't want to die.’ Just this once, it is okay to be ignorant.

Delun leaned his face towards Li Jie's face, they were so close that they could feel each other's breaths. There is only one thing on Li Jie's head, he keeps on thinking about his high blood pressure and was about to go insane. His chest tightened that it was suffocating. He cannot move his body as he was petrified. The handsome young man was so dangerous that the merciless criminal of the 21st century could not dare to resist him. The brave and merciless criminal was so pitifully afraid that he cannot move a single finger.

“You’re so red. Do you have a fever?” The General asked with a pampering tone and stuck his palm on to Li Jie's forehead. As his palm touched his forehead, a swarm of comfort rippled down to his spine. It was soothing and comfortable, and also made his heart calm down. And then it quickened again.

‘Don't tell me that my heart is a tsundere too?’ Li Jie thought that the situation is bad so he hurriedly got himself away from the General and was about to run outside when he stepped into his hanfu causing him to fall. But before his body touched the ground, the General’s hands were much quicker and caught Li Jie into his embrace.

The two were in the same embarrassing position again. The General was princess carrying Li Jie that made the other so embarrassed that he wanted to bury himself. Seeing the latter's reaction, the General didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing Li Jie like this, it was so adorable.

“Brother…” the room's door opened and his brother Jiang witnessed the embarrassing position given by the General and his younger brother. He was about to call Li Jie for dinner when he saw the General princess carrying his lovely, adorable brother.

“You…what are you doing with my precious little brother?” Jiang Hua said coldly as his murdering gaze penetrated the General. The atmosphere was cold that it almost seemed like there was a strong snowstorm coming from the living snowman.

“I'm carrying my wife.” The General said with a pampering and loving tone and hugged Li Jie tightly.

Right now, the silly, cute man was burying himself to the General's arms. He was so embarrassed that he doesn't know if he had a remaining face to look at his older brother.

“This General, he's making me furious ba!”


Author's note:

My class just started and I think I'm going to get busy. My updates may slow down but I still have to upload more chapters if I have free time. But other than that, it will be fine. Please don't abandon me (╥_╥)