32. Madame Feng Wants To Be A Physician

"What do you mean?" Li Jie knew that this moment was about to come, and he will completely be eaten by a certain hungry wolf. Li Jie's hair stood on its ends, afraid that he's going to be crushed for life.

"I want to eat you." Delun said, lust shadowed his line of sight. Delun looked at his wife's seductive face and licked his upper lip. The look on his wife's face seemed like he had been bullied, in fact it was indeed true.

"But, I can't do that yet. I'll make all of yours, including your heart mine first. I want you to look at me and beat your heart for me. I want your feelings to reciprocate mine, and enjoy my presence when I'm around you." Delun smiled as he caressed Li Jie's face and wiped his unconscious tears. Li Jie's heart tickled. It was a sensation that he had not felt before. It was like a spring breeze blowing over the blooming flowers, totally feels good.

"Hmm." Li Jie replied, he cupped his face bashfully. He wanted to hide in the cupboard and didn't want to get out. This kind of feeling, it was different from the symptoms from hypertension. Does people with hypertension feels like this?

Delun lay beside his wife and hugged him. He knows that his wife doesn't fully trust him yet. Not because he didn't know him but also the rumors that Li Jie have heard about him. Back then, he was a big, total jerk. But seeing his wife, he accidentally fall in love and he also wanted to change.

He just pondered, 'When will he open his arms for me?'

As for the ripe tomato beside him, he really wished to dig up a hole and throw himself and never try to rise up again. How could he, a straight man, got hard by a macho, walking pheromone that he almost went insane? Are all hypertension people also got hard by this kind of situation?

Where's Delun's face? Did he even have face? Li Jie rolled his eyes in defeat. He wanted to struggle himself to be freed from his arms but Delun dominated him fully that he couldn't refute.

"Don't move or you can't walk before the sun breaks." Delun said, his low and magnetic voice vibrated his throat. Li Jie huffed and puffed his cheeks. He sullenly brought himself to Delun's arms and said irritatingly but delightfully after.

"Delun, I want to become a physician. Can I do it? I mean, I really am interested in medicine and Brother Jiang taught me everything about medicine. I just saw your flower garden yesterday and it was full of humongous herbs! You know, I know how to make various medicines. If you'd mind, I really wanted to..."

Delun looked down on Li Jie's soft and fluffy hair and inhaled its scent, like a dog sniffing his possession. Listening to his wife's blabbing made him feel amused. He stopped his wife's mouth with his index finger touched his lips. He then said stalwartly.

"Kiss me first. Then I will consider it." Delun's day wasn't complete if he wouldn't tease his fierce kitten. Li Jie could never stand his husband's teasing ang literally punched his stomach, causing the almighty General grunted.

"It's just a kiss. Why stingy?"

"Kiss your ass!"

"I'll kiss your ass instead." Delun counterattacked leaving Li Jie dumbfounded. How could he withstand this man in the future?

"You..." Brows knitted, Delun laughed with amusement as he teased his wife.

"Fine ba. But don't pluck the flowers 'til it gets bald okay?"

"Herbs not flowers."

"They are still plants."

"Okay." Li Jie sighed and said. It's hard to argue a person who's a blockhead.

He was excited experimenting herbs, and probably because he could sell it somewhere. Then if this person who was sticking to him go bankrupt, then he could still live while making medicine. If only though...

"I missed my home. Can I visit tomorrow?" He was spending leisurely in the Feng manor because of his husband's spoiling attitude towards him that he couldn't even had a time to visit his brothers. He knows that all of them got work and seldom to stay at home. But, even Min Zhe, he can't see him in the manor. It was because he was avoiding the General of some sort, and was having a hard time facing his brother in the General's arms. Min Zhe could imagine himself breaking the General's arm that was holding Li Jie every time. That's why, to avoid trouble, he could only hide in the shadows and only watched his brother from afar.

"I'm going to the palace tomorrow. Want to come?" Delun said, stroking the soft hair of his wife.

"Is it really okay?" Li Jie asked. He was quite nervous when he mentioned the palace. His brother Chang was there. Ever since he transmigrated, he never get to see the palace. He was curious also, but quickly suppressed it thinking that the palace is more dangerous than in the Feng manor.

"Yes, your brother is there. And the Emperor is my friend. There's no need to stay alert. I'm with you so no one can harm you."

'Of course, you are the General. Who have the guts to fight you?'

"Okay then. I'll go with you." Li Jie said and irritatingly closed his eyes. Because of his palpitating heart rate, he was uneasy. And until now, he couldn't get any words of what he felt. He can say that in Delun's arms held the deepest tranquility in his heart. And this tranquility, held deep turbulent of waves inside his chest. As if he felt the calmest sea, but his heart felt the turbulent waves of the raging storm. The sound of his heart beating when Delun touched him, his scent, it was as if he was drowned in it, something like being trapped in an enchanted forest.

Delun was a scary man. He made Li Jie's heart suffer in oblivion. The little guy doesn't know what he's feeling. And it makes him somewhat abrasive.

In the bed, even though they share the same bed almost everyday, the atmosphere was getting weirder as the times passed by. It gets hotter, his body gets hotter, his gaze full of luster as he stared the other's face. It was as if this handsome man beside him was a big magnet, totally attracting him.

'Damn it. What is this?'

Just as he thought, he maybe can't sleep tonight. Because, beneath the sheets lies down the hardest sword that needs to be massaged. Damn.




A bright morning light shone the pair's face. One had a refreshing state, one had a gloomy fog hovering above his head. Li Jie, a damsel in distress, had dark panda eyes. He was overthinking about his bizarre feeling he had and forgot to sleep.

"Baby, what happened to you? Why are you so gloomy?"

'He had given up the pet name Honey and changed it into Baby overnight? Am I his child now?'

"Nothing. Having a nightmare, probably." Li Jie's tired eyes made Delun worry. What was his nightmare that he barely sleep last night? Was his previous nightmare attacked him again?

"You should rest first. It's okay not to go with me today."

"No, I want to go!"


Delun wanted to say that he should rest, but Li Jie was one step ahead of him to the bathroom and took a bath. Delun shook his head helplessly.

As Li Jie finished bathing, he walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and walked straight to the bedroom where Delun is at. Seeing Li Jie's wet hair and body, Delun smiled slyly and attempted to kiss Li Jie's cheeks when Li Jie stopped his lips from landing from his cheeks, saying that he had washed already. Delun dejectedly grabbed his own bathrobe and took a bath.

The two headed to their breakfast after they have done washing. Wearing only their bathrobes with their wet hair disheveled slightly, they ate in an intimate manner. Basically speaking, it was Delun who was so sticky towards his wife, as if he was a sticky glue. Li Jie could only roll his eyes and ate his food silently, not minding the other person he treated as a living cushion.

As the two finished preparing, they entered the carriage and ready to set off. Li Jie was wearing a light blue robe and his hair was tied slightly in a half bun. Delun was wearing a dark blue robe, highlighting his white and jade-like skin. His hair was loose and swaying in the air, but was tied slightly with a jade hairpin.

Li Jie was beautiful, more beautiful than any other women. Though he had an eye patch on his left blue eye, his green eye on the right looks like an emerald jewel that have been polished several times.

They arrived in the palace at an hour and immediately stopped on the palace's gate.

Delun passed his identity to the palace guard. The palace guard then opened the gates for them.

Delun noticed Li Jie's giddiness as they entered the palace. He was restless. Not because his brother was there but as a 21st century man, he was quite lucky to enter the lively Shaanxi palace in the ancient times.

It felt like he was in a movie.

"Excited?" Delun asked dotingly.

"Yes! Look at that shining gate! And that grass! Look! Even an ancient table!..." Li Jie emphasized the word as he speak, like an amused little kid who didn't get to see the world and finally freed from the shackles.

Indeed, that was Li Jie felt right now. But, a bit tainted. If he could go back again and bring whatever that thing is, including the grass, he could make lots of money in it.

As expected, people don't change that easily.

But unknowingly to Delun, he just thought that Li Jie was like a little kid who was curious about the world.

As they halted the carriage, Delun got off from the carriage first and helped Li Jie. Li Jie was treated like a princess, which spoiled his mood. But he couldn't make a mess since he wasn't in the manor, but in the palace.

Seeing Li Jie's puffed face, Delun chuckled lightly and pulled him onwards. Li Jie's body landed on Delun. Delun then held Li Jie's waist as an excuse to eat his tofu, saying that he may lose his balance and fall.

The scene was full of pink bubbles that even ants can't bear the sweetness.

The Emperor Wang, together with his Empress Wei had their smile on their faces. Seeing that their friend was having his love at last, they were proud.

However , why was it so cold on their backs?

Ah right. The two turned on the back and saw the ferocious Big Brother Chang.

Ah. They were frightened ba!


A/N: I'm addicted to Chinese bl novels lately. Any recommendations?
