39. Jade Pendant

So much happened in the past, yet in Chen Guang's head seemed like it only happened yesterday. He witnessed his children grew up well through their hard work and he was grateful for that. However, he didn't get to see his youngest child. He heard that the current general married him, he nearly blow up his head when he heard the news.

The family's cabbage had been dug out by the pig at the age of twenty! The child of his was still young as a large pupa! Thinking of it being eaten by a bird seems so unforgivable that he's willing to become a fierce corpse. He wanted to cut off his head. If not for the fact that the youngest child of his loved the general the most as what the rumors had mentioned, he would have gutter his throat.

Back to the present, Chen Guang put his sword on his scabbard and placed it on his left side of the hip. Wearing his old uniform, he looked into the mirror and examined himself. It felt like he was being transported back in time, though it was not the case. He missed this look. The smell of the battlefield while fighting with his comrades lingered on the uniform he wore. Also, the existence of his senior brother remained on his sword.

This sword is the only thing that Wenyan bestowed to him, that day was when he first joined the organization. This was the only thing that Wenyan had left for him. Reminiscing the old times in the cold night, he sighed and took a deep breath.

'This was going to be a bumpy journey.'





After the visit with his Chao-ge earlier, Li Jie was stuffed with many varieties of herbs and medicine that even Jiao-long couldn't guess why the Young Madame brought so many. Chao-ge was just overexcited about Li Jie's ideas about becoming a doctor so he took out the newest picked herbs and medicine for him to study.

There was a large house near the 'flower' garden. He decided to use it as his lab room to experiment medicine. But before that, he needed to clean up the place. This house was being emptied since the night of the tragedy happened. Li Jie doesn't even knew who lived in it before. However, since he asked his dear husband to occupy the space, he was happy to make it his own.

Right now, he was in the east side of the manor where the flower garden is located. While Delun is in the palace, Li Jie doesn't have anything to do in the house except for eating or sleeping. Someday, he may become a pig if he continued this way. God knows he hated being fat. What if his husband discredited him if he becomes a pig? That is definitely atrocious. He let his servant do his day training because he wanted to work his muscles. Best to sweat than to earn fats, lesson learned by the author.

He was cleaning the house's interior since it was full of dust and cobwebs. This house was already abandoned yet the things left behind were valuable and screaming expensive. One thing he noticed is that the original owner of the house had almost the same designs; two dragons on the side and a beetle in the middle. The rusty, old shuriken and daggers were preserved and have been put on the wall, having the same exact design. He could tell that the owner of the house was a mighty warrior or a general of some sort.

Li Jie was humming a song as he cleaned the entrance hallway of the house to the kitchen until it was swept clean. The cobwebs were being taken away and it was not as horrible as before. The house's interior regained its beauty again after it has been purified, unlike before that was like a horror house.

The dining room, balcony, hallway, bathroom and living room were all cleaned and all that's left was the bedroom. Li Jie had not been from this corner of the house and he was not sure what's in there. This was also the only place that he never explored before. He never knew why he was excited going in there. He took a deep breath and let it all out. Carrying all his cleaning utensils, he pushed the door open and went in.

"Oh? Not bad." Li Jie thought as he explored the bedroom. Step by step and he slowly went near the bed. He lightly touched the bed and the visible traces of dust stuck on his fingers. The of sheet of the bed was dusty and few insects flew away. Li Jie scrunched his nose and thought: "The house is abandoned and only the garden was being cleaned. It can't be that this house was haunted right?"

He shook his head and thought that it's impossible. Besides, he never believed in ghosts.

He started cleaning the bedroom. He wiped the floor, the closed window, and the table near the side of the closed window. On the table, the things have been sorted neat. The brushes and scrolls were neatly placed, small figurines were standing unperturbed, and the lamp that was unused was full of tiny splith. He wiped the table with wet cloth to dematerialize the dust, including the dusty things lying on the table. After that, he squatted down to wipe the table foot when he saw the chest hidden below the table.

"What is this?" Li Jie whispered as he glanced at the chest below. Out of curiosity, he pulled out the chest and coughed lightly because of the dirt.

A flash of amazement could be seen from his eyes, wondering if there were valuable things inside. Jewels? Gold? Money? His head was full of heavy dollars as he glanced at the chest.

But then, he immediately retracted his thoughts and moved on quickly. He feels like a money gobbler.

He stretched out his hand nervously and opened it with imaginary dramatic music. The imaginary light blinded his eyes as he squinted vigorously.

As he peeked, yes, he seemed disappointed. It was just a bunch of antiques. Although, this could be a lot of money if being sold in his past life.

'Wait, why am I even thinking about this?'

As expected, people don't change easily.

In the chest, there was a black uniform neatly folded with an armor on top of it. Beside the cloth was a sword, the handle was designed with two dragons and a crimson colored gem with a shape of a beetle. Li Jie picked up the sword and examined its features, his fingers traced down from the scabbard up to the handle and pulled out the sword from it.

"Awesome!" He exclaimed astonishingly and swayed the sword in the air. The sword was sharp, with no calluses and defects. He performed Jian Wu that he learned from his past life, he could tell that this sword was owned by a famous sword master in the Qin Empire.

Li Jie jumped happily as he giddily stared at the sword as if it was his newly found treasure. As he danced, he accidentally stepped on the floor connected to one of the hidden storage of the bedroom.


He was sure that there was no bump on the floor as he went in, but why does it feel like his left foot sank?

Startled, he inspected the floor again and was shocked when the floor where the chest stood earlier opened.

"Why is this place seemed so scary?" Not that he never encountered something like this before in his last life, but he never knew that the ancient people were this advanced.

"So, what's the hidden wonder here?" He playfully asked in the air as he stretched his neck to look at the hidden storage. There, he saw a round, shiny, blue pendant lying flat in the hidden storage.

Li Jie raised his one brow and grabbed the pendant. He dropped his butt on the floor and smothered the dust off the pendant. He was drowned by his curiosity as he examined the pendant. Stretching his hand upwards, he closed his left, blue eye and closely stared at the pendant continuously.

"Such tiny pendant was hidden by a tricky storage, what is its specialty?" Li Jie mumbled curiously and immediately sensed something. Opening his senses, he moved his eyes from left to right quickly and caught a glimpse of shadow moving away from the house. Li Jie clicked his tongue and dashed forward to see if he could catch up to that stalker but it end up in no avail.

"So skilled! I didn't even noticed!" He said as he clenched his fist and thought of something.

"Does he really stalking me? Or he's just waiting for my leave? Did I just did something troublesome?" He thought as he looked at the pendant he held. Maybe his luck was too bad, and it seemed like he found something important.

"The Feng manor is heavily guarded. Why is there such crime happened inside?"





"Did you really see it? You're not making up things?" Liu Ming asked at the hired servant to monitor the Feng manor. The servant still kowtowed and said: "Yes, my Lord. The pendant was indeed in the Feng manor. However..."

"However what?" Liu Ming was anxious as he secretly gripped at the arm of the gordon chair.

"The young master of Chen family found it." The servant was shaking nervously as he said those words. Liu Ming's eyes bloodshot, gritting his teeth in anger and annoyance. He slapped the servant hard making him slumped on the ground, yet Liu Ming calmly held the clumsy hand and dusted it off, as if it was being dirtied.

"You are one step earlier than him yet he was ahead of your mission. How can you compensate this failure?" Liu Ming calmly asked and still looked at his hand, still dusting it off.

"My Lord, I was being incompetent. Please give me a chance to get it back!" The servant pleaded pitifully and groveled to the ground.

"Fine. Once you don't get it back, don't assumed you'll still live." Liu Ming muttered slowly and spat on the servant.

"Yes, my Lord."

'That damn rat again!' Liu Ming gritted his teeth and almost exploded his head. Inside his head, Li Jie was being tortured several times.





In the bedroom on Delun's estate, Li Jie put the jade pendant hidden under the bed and refreshed his thoughts. His husband was coming home tonight and he was busy preparing to seduce Delun.

Since he discovered himself that he loved him, Li Jie couldn't help but to overthink things. His mind was being jumbled into a messy puzzle and was not right in mind.

Sometimes he was laughing and then suddenly, he was frowning. Then he became energized again and blissfully hopping like an itching kangaroo. His servant/disciple couldn't bear to watch his master like this and could only pretend that he didn't know him. One time he was asking the same thing repeatedly: "Li Wei, am I beautiful?"

"Of course, Master!"



Then after an hour....

"Li Wei am I beautiful?"


"Are you asking me?"


"You are asking me!"


And then after an hour...

"Li Wei, am I beautiful?" Li Wei was so done that he was speechless. Instead, he said: "Master, you are the ugliest person I've ever seen."

Li Jie shut his mouth after that.

Either way, he took a bath and put his favorite lavender scent with honey. This night, he will eat Delun whole or he'll regret it for the rest of his life.

After he took a bath, he only wore a thin, inner robe and slightly revealed his collar. Right now, Li Jie was deliciously alluring. His fair skin was glowing and his cheeks flushed red. As he heard the familiar footsteps, he then laid on the bed as his white collarbone was being shown and his white, tender legs revealed.

As Delun entered, he was startled that his wife was so alluringly sleeping in the bed. Delun exclaimed inside: "What a sight!"

He wanted to taste his wife but he wanted to do it with his wife's consent. However in Li Jie's head: "I'm so delicious that you can't resist eating me! Come on! Eat me! I'm willingly available!"

Delun took a bath first then changed into his inner robe. He slowly walked to the bed and fixed Li Jie's inner robe. He then planted a kiss on Li Jie's forehead and laid down while embracing him. He then went to sleep. However, on Li Jie's head: "What is this?! This is not my plan! Eat me quickly!"

However, the husband was dead asleep.


My pen came back(*´∀`*)