41. Revealing The Past

Delun was mad after he found out that there was a traitor lurking in the manor. Deep inside he was sure that this manor was heavily guarded and only selected people who're trustworthy were the only ones qualified to work inside.

However, for the first time as the head of the Feng manor, he was easily tricked by someone. Who dares to humiliate him like this? And even dared to spy his wife in the dark?

He was so furious. After that, he sent Min Zhe to Li Jie for the sake of his wife's safety. After all, that brother in-law of his seems avoiding Li Jie as well. Not just Li Jie, but also him.

Although Min Zhe tried so hard to stone his face in front of the merciless general, in Min Zhe's thought the general was still that scum. Even though Min Zhe hated him and feared him at the same time, Delun's still superior to him. So, he could only obey him. But now, he even felt aggrieved and hateful towards him. Who's afraid? He's not afraid of him at all. He felt vigilant towards him. Who dares to like that person? Scum and hateful, for Min Zhe that matter will not change. And to the fact that his brother was abducted by him, Min Zhe was mad and helpless. Because, he was also the root of the cause why Li Jie got abducted and accidentally sold to him that night.

Or not accidentally, but intentionally. The reason why he was technically couldn't be seen throughout the day because he was resting. He frequently went out at night secretly to find out the culprit behind his brother's abduction. He already knew who's behind all of this, it's just that he was desperately finding out evidences for the sake of his brother and also for his guilt.

The man behind all of this sure knows how to play, but also lacking of brain. The hell with his mind? He can't understand it at all.

That scum kidnapped his brother to replace his daughter, does he think that the general is stupid?

No bother, if he thinks to much, it may hurt his head.

As the general said, Min Zhe went to the pavilion where Li Jie always spent his time at. He was utterly nervous, he hadn't seen his brother since after the wedding, and he was cowardly hiding from him every time.

He took a deep breath and halted his steps in front of the pavilion.

This pavilion is the signature place of the manor. The pavilion was big, and a lotus pond surrounded it. The sides of the manor were the dainty flowers of narcissus planted on it making it look like a fairy garden in tales. Plus adding the figure of his brother, who seems like a fairy itself was so pleasing to see. Min Zhe sighed and kept all the worries upon himself. He puts on a smiling face and swaggered towards his brother.

"A-jie..." Min Zhe called as he halted in front of the bridge on top of the lotus pond. Li Jie from the pavilion heard the familiar voice and excitedly looked at him. Li Jie smiled brightly as he saw his brother and hurriedly walked towards Min Zhe. Like a bouncing ball, Li Jie bounced towards his brother and hugged his neck.

Min Zhe, a helpless brother, carefully held his brother and brought much force on his feet to avoid falling off the small bridge.

"Silly, what if we fall?"

"Then brother will protect me." Li Jie coquettishly said and loosened his grip on Min Zhe's neck. Min Zhe sighed, it seems like his brother enjoyed his life here.

He even got heavier.

"What did that hooligan feed you these days? You weigh a ton!" Min Zhe exaggerated his tone and told his brother that he looked like a fat ghost.

"I'm not fat! And don't call him hooligan, what if he hears you?"

"I don't care. What if he hears? Will he dare to punch me? If he punches me I'll swear he'll never see you again." Min Zhe snorted and crossed his arms. Li Jie glared at his brother and said.

"But I want to see him, you won't kidnap me right?" Li Jie put on his puppy eyes towards his brother, just like a husky asking for a pat. The corners of Min Zhe's mouth twitched, since when did his brother become this bold?

"Ew gross, stop staring at me like that." Min Zhe put on his disgusted face and slightly brushed off Li Jie's puppy face.

Sure enough, this older brother is too tsundere. Look at him, he likes his brother but pretends to dislike him.

Li Wei, who was behind Li Jie all the time was completely ignored.

Sighs... He couldn't stand his master's shamelessness anymore. But he likes him, as a master-disciple relationship of course.

Li Wei let the siblings bicker each other and straddled his steps towards the pavilion. He instantly heated the tea and placed sweets on the plate. He then placed it on the table neatly and went off to see them.

"Master, master's brother, the tea and snacks are ready. Please feel free to eat." Li Wei clasped both of his hand and bowed slightly to the two. As Li Jie heard Li Wei said this, he hesitated to glance at the sweet-scented tea and yummy sweets.

"Since that is so, accompany your brother to eat."

"But you just said that I'm fat!" Li Jie huffed and puffed furiously as he glared at his brother. Min Zhe, who cared about the sweets more than his brother's fat, dragged his brother's hand and went into the pavilion.

Li Jie: I was abandoned QAQ

There in the pavilion, the scene was harmonious as the two siblings had their get-together.






Meanwhile in the palace, Delun felt uneasy when he heard that someone was spying his wife. He still couldn't tell who that person is, and was quietly waiting for Min Zhe's report.

He knew that Min Zhe went out every night for investigation about his brother's abduction. But without Min Zhe by Li Jie's side, he was edgy that he would rather rushed to the manor and guard his wife from morning till dusk.

If not for the fact that he was busy handling matters about the border, he would rather stay in the manor to accompany Li Jie.

But he can't do that for the time being until the matters in the border are over. He only hoped that Chen Guang would do well.

Speaking of Chen Guang, he suspected that Jiao-long went along with him. But why would Jiao-long do such a thing?

Who knows, he didn't care about Jiao-long's matters. But, he was still getting cautious. What if his disappearance bring harm to him? But even so, he couldn't meddle with Jiao-long's affairs. What he was worried about is Li Jie's safety.

He knows that his wife is strong, but not all the time he will be saved by his own strength. He was still scared about the upcoming consequences.

"Chen Guang sent a message earlier, and he successfully calmed the situation there. Also, he also sent an apology for taking your servant." Emperor Wang Yong said casually to Delun. Delun nodded respectfully and said: "It's alright as long as he's not doing reckless. Your Majesty, is there something wrong?"

Delun immediately asked when he saw Yong's complicated expression.

"Well, this is..." Emperor Yong paused and said: "This matter, is getting complicated."

"Why?" Delun asked.

"Delun, do you heard the hidden treasury of the Empire?" Emperor Yong asked as his voice maintained to be low. Delun widened his eyes and looked at Chen Guang's message.

"Your Majesty, can I read it?" Emperor Yong immediately handed the message and Delun immediately read it.

The message stated that he successfully captured all the bandits responsible for the mess and heavily interrogated them. As a result no one was willing to tell the truth thus almost of the bandits were beheaded. Three bandits were willing to confess, saying that the matter was all arranged by an official. He hired the bandits as a disguised citizens to cause ruckus in the border, influencing the people living there. And, they were also looking for a key to the hidden treasury of the Empire.

"A key?" Delun furrowed his brows.

"My father told me when I was young. It is said that there was a hidden treasury in the Empire that holds the needs of the entire nation. Two powerful families emerged their treasures and sealed it in the hidden treasury. Only the two families know the location on it." Emperor Yong explained as Delun widened his eyes. He felt a bad omen was coming soon, and he needed to prepare.

"Does that mean, the royal family and the Feng clan jointed the treasures for the Empire's future uses?"

Emperor Yong nodded and continued: "The treasury was too hidden and the people who knew about it are from the royal family and your Feng clan. That is my father, my mother, and the most trusted former general Feng Wenyan."

Delun clutched his robes silently as he pondered about it.

"However, the royal family didn't have the key."

As expected, the key was with Wenyan. And Delun knew that the reason of the slaughter of the Feng clan several years ago was because of that key.

Delun's eyes were bloodshot as he recalled the past. The manor was soaked in blood, his mother died and his father clutching his word, lifeless. His brother's endurance and suffering still lingered on his mind and his scalp tingled when he reminisced it. They escaped, but also found that his uncle that he admired also died on the ground. His head chopped separately from his body.

But then, a scene flashed his eyes. His wife said that someone was spying on him at the time when he went to Wenyan's room. He also said that he found something.

Delun's heart beats like galloping horses and said to Emperor Yong quickly: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry but I'll go home for now. There's some things I want to know."

Emperor Yong was startled and agreed with him. As he watched Delun's back as he (D) ran rashly, Emperor Yong was starting to worry.

"What happened this time?"


Too tired, mentally tired, emotionally tired, physically tired, all tired, damn tired,

I'm screwed. But hopefully I still managed to feel light, even just a bit.
