So, hi guys! I am Hiraki Mitsuha, the ORIGINAL AUTHOR of this book. I just want to say that someone has stolen my book and sold in the AMAZON FOR 49$ OR MORE IDK. So, the reason why I got my motivation for writing disappeared is because of this. I don't understand. My writing skills are never that good, so many grammatical mistakes. But there are some motherf*kers who steal it without any conscience! I can't take it anymore. I worked hard for that chapters, almost running out of ideas, but they mercilessly take it away from me. By the way, the name who stole my book is GREGORY POPE. You can search it in google and or in Amazon. I am so devastated that i don't have any inspiration to write anymore. He even edited the book cover and erased my name. So, for those who read this, I JUST WANT YOU TO BE AWARE THAT I AM THE ONE AND ONLY ORIGINAL AUTHOR OF THIS BOOK. NO ONE ELSE BUT ME.

Someday, if I become successful and learn to stand up for myself as a minor who love writing, I WILL SUE THIS PERSON.