Ding Dong: When the hour strikes

'Ding Dong Merrily on High' blasted through the phone beside Adaora, drawing her away from the deep hollows of dreamless sleep which she had in before the alarm went off.

She felt a feathery breath on her face just as she was stretching and preparing to wake up. It was soft and labored, and she opened her eyes, blinking them repeatedly to adjust them to the light.

There was a figure beside her reaching for the phone and turning off the alarm, and she needn't wonder if it was Kelvin. Apart from him being the only one with her before she fell asleep, she inhaled that familiar cologne she had come to associate with him.

Kelvin soon returned to kneeling beside her, his face above hers, his black eyes boring piercingly into hers. She wanted to say something, anything, and already had her lips parted to let the words out when he bent down and took her mouth in his, closing his eyes as though to savour the moment.