Los Angeles, in the summer smelled like roses blooming, I loved the tranquil greenness of the many trees, the quiet and abiding air of earned grace, clean streets and stately homes.
When I, my parents and my siblings first moved to Los Angeles, which was a year ago, we found it hard to cope in our classes. Then, I was in grade 9, but I still managed to be one of the top ten students in my class.
At first, we didn't like the change of city because we got so used to our old city in alley. Since dad got a better job offer in Los Angeles, we all had to move there.
It was coming to the end of the last semester and everyone was getting ready for the annual speech and prize giving day.
The event was given a date July 10th 2020, but I was getting ready for an operation to correct my bow legs. I stayed three months in Saint Mary's hospital south of Los Angeles.
So that's my story when I first moved to Los Angeles when I was in Junior High School.
Now, I'm a fresher at senior high school...grade 10. It's a whole new story, packed with so much fun, adventure, heart issues... if you know what I'm talking about, disappointment, heartbreaks... and so on.
This book is more like a diary than an actual novel. I actually thought of writing a diary when I was in grade 10, but I started during my second semester.
Though, it might seem like I'm some kind of boring girl writing a diary... but wait till you see as I get older.