Jasmine's POV
When she started teaching, I guess I wasn't paying attention...but I was a little though.
I spent my time daydreaming about silly stuffs.
To be honest, I kinda believed in Disney and all its various lies to kids. When I was younger, I believed in having a prince charming and a happily ever after, I also believed there was such a thing as magic; till the extent I started to research about magic stuffs, casting spells and all sorts. My sister was just so flabbergasted with how much I trusted Disney. I eventually outgrew it though...I know, what a relief I did.
Well ended up daydreaming about Brian and man! He's looking so hot today. He wore a black vest which showed all his perfectly built muscles and his crazy jeans was just wow. He rubbed his face a little and put his fingers through his hair which made it a little rough, it gave him a typical bad boy look. I'll be lying to myself if I said this guy wasn't to die for. I remembered what he did to me a couple minutes ago and my body shivered, but not in a bad way though...what is he doing to me. To be honest, I'm lost to the reason why the hell would he do all that stuff, he's taking advantage of me...unacceptable.
I keep getting these psychic feelings of him hurting me and all...oh! Well, till that time comes.
I kept thinking and staring that I didn't even know when I started to twirl and twist my hair. I was literally playing with my hair in class, how pathetic.
Suddenly, I heard miss penny call out saying" hey, young lady, yes you; can you please stand up"
Ok! Major issue here, I'm a shy person by nature. Immediately I stood up, I swallowed spit like a million times and I can swear I could feel sweat about to gather my forehead.
"Hey jazz"Andy called already chuckling.
"What! "I shot back saying.
"Gosh jazz, don't blow up here...you shouldn't be passing the anger on me you know. Blame yourself for endlessly staring at Mr. hot over there" he said with a wink.
I sighed saying to myself" o lord...please get me out of this shit"
"Ha! Jazz is praying "he said bursting into laughter
"I've been noticing you for quite some time young lady, it seems you're in your own world, which means you've not being attentive miss!" She said sternly. I was already almost trembling in my table.
"Can you kindly explain all what I've said in today's class?" sha added.
"Let's just hope you're as brilliant as you used to "Andy said chuckling.
I boldly explained all she said, giving her the main points and all, she required to hear, while I was doing that, I felt someone's eyes on me... they were staring so deep into my soul, they pierced so bad. I was beginning to get uneasy and uncomfortable with that, and at the same time... I wanted to know who it was.
"Thank you! young lady, that's enough and excellent at that...and to think you weren't paying attention miss penny said. Can you all give her a round of applause "she said and the whole class clapped.
"What's your name miss?" she asked.
Jasmine Jakes I replied.
"What a lovely name for beautiful and brilliant girl she commented. You can take your seat now" she added.
"Well, looks like you got off the hook this time... but certainly not next time Jazz" Andy said.
"Bla, bla, bla "I said. "I totally forgot, you've always being a pain in the ass "i added.
I could still feel someone's eyes on me. Immediately I turned, I met Brian's eyes. I got kinda tensed and turned away instantly.
"You can't just keep your eyes off him, can you? "Andy said with a dirty smirk.
"Common! Stop teasing me" I said and gave him a hard punch.
"Girl! I'm telling you; all your slaps and punches will be repaid" he said groaning.
"Whatever "I replied him.
"Honestly speaking though, you really got lucky. Just imagine you couldn't answer her question" he said.
"Well, that my dear would have being a horrible disaster, and you'll have to bail me out" I said cockily. "Besides, I got out of trouble, that's what matters" I added.
"Bail you out!" he replied laughing. "You must be freaking kidding me" he added.
"Would you two keep it down there" miss penny yelled.
"Sorry ma'am" we replied. "Andy, you had better stop dragging attention to us...we could get detention you know" I whispered.
"Alright!" He said throwing his two hands up in defence.
[just then, the bell rings for the next period]
Jasmine's POV
Honestly speaking, these classes are hopelessly boring, except from the biology class a while ago. There was literally no interesting class again before our break. On the other hand, I may have been taken glances at Brian. Andy kept teasing me throughout our classes.
[bell rings for break]
"Yes, finally!" Ava yelled
Immediately, some group of people turned giving her the eyes.
"Nothing to look at here people" Chloe shot at them.
"Is it just me, or these classes were all boring today? "I asked.
"I concur" on that Liam said
"I'm so hungry guys, less chit chat, more walking "Ava groaned while carrying her books walking towards the door.
"Yeah! Let's all go to the cafeteria "Jack said.
"You guys are foodies" Liam puffed.
"Tell me about it "I and Andy said at the same time.
"Before you both say jinxed again...jinxed, please just shut it and let's go to the cafeteria" Ava whined.
"Yesh! We weren't even going to" I and Andy raised our hands up in defence.
"To be honest, Andy and Jasmine behave like twins" Liam said smirking
"I know right! You know, you two should consider being in a relationship" Jack said.
We scrunched our face up looking at each other saying"That can't be possible even in our next life".
"Just let's go, before it turns into an unnecessary argument" Ava said.
And we all exited the classroom.