The game

Marcus introduced me to the three guys who arrived

"Guys this is Jasmine, and Jasmine meet the rest of the players"Marcus said. "The blondie is Lewis, I'm pretty sure you're familiar with Brian and Sylvester" he added.

"Sylvaaa" I yelled excitedly as i went up to him for a quick hug.

"Jazz my dear" he replied while roughening my hair.

"Arrrg, not the hair again" Isaid grumbling like and angry bird. "first Andy, now you! common people" I cried out.

All the guys burst into laughter

"Yada, yada, yada...laugh all you want people" I scowled at them all.

"calm down Jazz" Andy said to me whilst still laughing.

i just shot him a glare, and turned towards the blondie. He looks quite cool headed, freckles on his cheeks and a really nice shade of blonde...could possibly be hair dye,but who cares.

I gave a warm smile as I faced.

"nice to meet you" I said to Lewis the blondie as i stretched my arm for a handshake.

"pleasure is all mine" he said while shaking my hand.

I awkwardly turned towards Brian saying "hey,how have you being doing" as i scratched the back of my hair .

"very fine as you can see" he replied grinning with a wink.

"okay,so Jazz, i thought you were supposed to get me a soda" Andy said trying to free me of all the tension from chatting with Brian.

"right...on that" I replied him as I turned around swiftly going towards the kitchen.

[now in the kitchen]

Jasmine's POV

Honestly, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't in awe with the sight of the kitchen. I mean, it's just a kitchen...but wow.

It's not everyday you see a kitchen thrice the size of your own bedroom you know.

As I searched the fridge for a soda, I felt someone hold me by my waist...I stiffened and shrieked by that touch." I know that touch anywhere, It belongs to Brian...but I just want to be sure" I thought in my head.

As I tried to turn in order to see the person's face, he just held me firmly, leaned towards my ears whispering"just here for a bottle of coke" . After he got the bottle of coke, he leaned towards my ear and nibbled it, then left.

It was then I was able to turn to see If i were right on who it was... and yes,It was no other than Brian. "Gosh the nerves of that guy " sighed out immediately he left the room.

"well look who's thrown off balance by just a guys touch" Andy said while leaning by the kitchen door smirking.

"leave me alone and don't tease me" I cried out replying him.

"I wasn't " he replied shrugging."By the way, get me the soda I asked for...we're about to start the game" he added.

"Here" I said as I tossed the soda to him. I cringed as the can nearly hit his head.

"well done Jazz!" he said as he caught the can. " I can see your plans are to damage this gorgeous face of mine " he added playfully.

"Oh please!" I would have done that a long time ago I replied as I got a bottle of water and closed the refrigerator.

Andy threw his arm over my shoulder as he took me towards the sitting room.

"Finally, there you're" Marcus said. "I was beginning to think you had turned into an ice statue being in the fridge for too long" he added jokingly.

"yeah! statue, classic" I gawked at him.

"Anyways, let's start the game" he replied. "Before that, we need to group ourselves in two teams. Sylva, you're with Andy and Jasmine, Brian and Lewis, you're with me" he added.

"yes sir" I mocked with my hand in salute.

"quite some humour aye" Brian said with a smirk playing on his cheeks.

"emmm, yeah" I replied awkwardly ".

So, there'll be change of plans with using a got bad." Marcus said. " We'll be using something even better, a virtual reality game" he added.

[In my mind]

Cool,I have always wanted to play games in virtual reality form. Everything looks so real using it, well not like I have used one before...but I have seen it in some movies like 'ready player one' it's so cool.

"Cool" I replied trying to hide all my excitement.

"so we're going to play mortal kombat" Marcus said. "The team with the highest points win. Each round won, five points will be given, added to the point you get from the game." he continued. "May the best team win" he added with a smirk.

"So, I and Andy will go first" Marcus said.

So I leaned towards Andy and whispered to him saying " you had better not blow it...besides, even if we lose,you're still gonna pay me".

"That's not part of the deal! " he shot back at me. "The deal was if we win this"he added.

"Well,now you know I never agreed to that" I said with a smug grin playing on my lips. "I only agreed to the fact that you're gonna pay me dear" I smiled cheekily.

" Sneaky little snake" he sneered at me.

The both boys wore the suits and gloves meant for the game. When they were all prepared and ready to start,I still came towards Andy and whispered into his ears"don't forget not to loose."

He rolled his eyes like a child saying"yeah! yeah!". "So far, you've really not being a quite supportive've been blabbing about that for like a million times now" he added.

I just shrugged his statement away, whilst retreating to the couch.

"Ready,set...go" Brian said to the two players.

While Brian was saying that, I just got caught up in stare at him. I watched him as he retreated to the couch to sit. His perfectly built muscles were outlined through his white T-shirt...he put his hand into one of the pocket of his black joggers. His whole outfit today was just a bomb...well, I'd say, if I were one of those obsessive plastic girls, I'd have been drooling over him and trying to get him laid. I cringed immediately by the thought of being that kind of girl. I'm always of the believe that 'liking or loving someone should always be based on his/her personalities', not only just their look.

"common guys, it's been almost twenty minutes since you've been playing,someone should lose already" Brian said as he groaned clearly looking irritated. As he brushed his fingers through his hair, I couldn't help but to stare at him...gosh,I have fallen helplessly in love.

After what seemed like forever for the rest of us waiting in line to play, the two players were finally rounding up.

"Just a little more, a kick from..."Marcus was saying until he was interrupted by Andy's scream of victory.

"Boom,I won" Andy said.

"But..but... how" Marcus said as he stuttered.

" let's just say, never be too cocky before you have even won a game" Andy replied him grinning.

I just rolled my eyes when he uttered that statement. "Talk about being cocky" I whispered to myself

Well, Andy got a total of ten points while Marcus got a total of eight points.When we had all played the game during our turns,well my team won.

"Yeeees, the JAS won" I said squealing outta excitement.

"The JAS?" Andy asked looking puzzled.

"yeah,the initials of our name...get it, J stands for mr, A stands for You and S stands for Sylva" I replied him. "Get it, it even made my name...JAS in a funky way" I added.

"Oh Jas, quit embarrassing me" he said sighing.

"Embarras?"Marcus asked. "Not a chance, she's one heck of a funny girl" he added looking at me with eyes that seemed to say 'what more could this girl be'.

"thank you" I said to Marcus with a hearty smile.

"Don't flatter yourself, kitten" Andy said.

"yada, yada, yada" I replied him.

"Oh for Christ sake guys, stop all this your childish babbling"Lewis said looking sick of all our childish arguments.

"Yesh! Lewis" Marcus said raising his palms up in the air.

"Now that we're all done with this game, is anyone else starving" Brian said in a boring tone.

" Come to think of it, I'm pretty hungry" Andy said."Guys, I got an amazing idea " Sylva said with a bright face. I could have sworn I would have seen a light bulb appear by the side of his head if we were in a cartoon judging by the look on his face.

"What if we go to the basketball game starting in about an hour and half from now. It's just a forty minutes drive from here...then when the game is over,we could just stop by at Mcdonalds' and get dinner" he continued saying.

"sounds fine by me" Brian said.

"What do you guys think?" he asked further.

"It's not a bad idea" we all said.

"Then Basketball game it is" Marcus said.

"So, we'll be using my dads SUV, we're just six anyway" he said with a shrug.

"Cool" Andy said.

"I had better call my mum I'm not coming home till Monday after school" I said to only Andy's hearing. " And you're helping me with that" I added dragging him out of the living room.

"Excuse us guys" I said to the rest in the room.

"why do I have to help you with everything?" Andy asked seemingly annoyed with a groan. " She's your mum not mine" he said in a shrug looking like an angry bunny.

I chuckled by the sight of him saying " remember it was because of you that I left my house" whilst raising my brows.

So I put a call to my mum in no time, and thank heavens we were both able to convince her to let me stay.