Chapter 100

Before the next race, I was working in the factory, because there was a lot to improve on the car so I didn't have much time to do things outside of work.

"Dalia, they brought you this," said the factory receptionist when my shift ended.

“ Who left me these flowers? “ I asked, while taking a bouquet of roses of different colors.

“ No idea, they haven't left me anything else. They just left it to me and since you were busy I kept it here for you “ said the very kind boy.

"Okay, thank you very much," I said as he took it.

“ Can I help you get him to the car? he asked.

“ Do not worry, today I do not have to take work home “ I said and took the bouquet.

“ Well, have a good trip, because tomorrow you are leaving again “ said the boy.

“ Yes, thank goodness I really wanted to be nervous again for a race “ I said and we both laughed.

“ How are you doing with that girl you told me about? “ I asked for.