Dylan's Headache

Dylan Pov

Ishita entered this house to torment us and I'm 100% sure about it.. Let me just narrate what happened yesterday.

Flash back

It was 2:00am when I heard a knock on my door... At first I didn't believe it was a knock because I was fast asleep it sounded faintly... But then who ever it was banged it loudly and my startle made me land on the ground.. I thought it was Thani but to my surprise I found Ishita behind the door... She was smiling broadly and I on the other hand was frowning .

"What do you want Ishita, it's 2:05am . Go back to bed"her smile faded and she looked hurt. What's wrong with this girl..... Is she crying oh no. She's just unbelievable...

" Why are you crying" I didn't say it with concern but I was really concerned..she shook her head before


"It's just that I feel lonely now that papa is gone.. he was my everything Mr Dylan" she couldn't control her little tears and it became a fountain pour.. I pulled her to my chest and hugged her. It seemed to calm her down because she muttered thank you. I was so tired that as soon as I saw she was ok I told her to go and rest in her room. But instead this girl decided to pull my legs more by speaking

"Can I sleep with you Mr Dylan " I coughed out and almost choke .

"What did you say . Sleep with me? No you can't sleep with me .you don't know if I have Stds. I'm a stranger" I said firmly and she watched me with confusion for some minutes before her eyes widened.

" No no no , ew no Mr Dylan I'm talking about stay in your room tonight . It's just that I'm scared of ghosts and papa just died" she said while covering her face in embarrassment.. I was also embarrassed because I misinterpreted what she said... I nodded sheepishly and allowed her in. She let out a squeaky sound and I turn to look at her.

"What" she asked and I shaked my head unbelievably ..

"Your room is so huge . Do you stay here with your many girlfriends.. " I was already on the bed when she made that statement so I looked towards her direction and for the second time I noticed how beautiful she was . Her black long curly hair that matched perfectly with her shinning black eye. Her fair and flawless skin that glittered like the sun.. damn she was fine.

"Mr Dylan , Mr Dylan you are staring too much again" her formality just freaks me out. . .

"It's Dylan not Mr Dylan" I said in the process of losing my temper . Why must she add Dylan..

"Let's get this game on . If you add Mr to my name I would call you rat Ishita" she frowned at my proposal.. it's obvious because calling her rat is the last thing she would ever want.. I ignored her and lay on the bed with my eye close and after some minutes I felt another weight crush on the bed.... I smiled to myself knowing it was all over and I was finally going to sleep.

"Piss piss Mr dylan" I heard her whisper . I decided not to respond as I kept my eye closed ...I heard no more voice so I assumed she gave up...

" Who lives in the pineapple under the sea. Spongbob SquarePants " the noise echoed in my ear and I stood up in fustration. She was smiling while watching the television.

" Who watches tv by this time Ishita. Are you kidding me " my eyes were sagging now from the lack of sleep. Then a knock came on my door. I went to open it to see a fustrated Thani holding his waist. I chuckled at the sight but his anger made me shut my mouth... I told him everything and we both stood at the door watching her. We looked pitiful and she walked and came in front of us.

"Oh Mr Thanatos it's good to see you . Mr Dylan and I are watching SpongeBob .do you care to join" she was so adorable .how could anyone reject her offer.. this girl was acting like a kid while she possessed the most intoxicating body and shape to make my mouth watering.. So as at 2:45am Thani and I sat beside Ishita watching SpongeBob ....

Flashback is over

Thani and i sat in the garden while we tried to hide our sacky eyes with icecube. We had sneaked out of the room when Ishita feel asleep..

"Mr Dylan how do we solve the issue of Ishita" Thani said in a tease tone and we both laughed.

"The fact that she adds Mr to our names is so creapy man.. it makes me feel all old" I said while I robbed my abs . Thani laughed at what I was doing but we got interrupted by Ishita sweet voice..

"Hey you two. I'm sorry about yesterday . I couldn't sleep and I . Well I , needed friends to talk to . You both don't seem like people who will make friends so I had to use another process in getting you" our mouths hunged open by what she said. She was pretending all this while . So even the formal address she called us was fake I thought to myself but it became null and void immediately.

"I appreciate you letting me stay here Mr Thanatos . I had no home to go to and since they killed my dad they will be after me too" she said faintly... I don't know why I was super angry but the thought of someone hurting her pissed me off to the core. I wanted to punish whoever will try to hurt my Ishita. Wait did I just say mine. This lady is driving me crazy.

"He's doing the staring again Mr Thanatos.... Mr Dylan stares too much" I heard her say and it made me pull out of my trance . I passed my hands through my hair and messed it up out of embarrassment. Thani was laughing and I punch him to shut him up.

Ishita Pov

When he stares at me it makes me feel strange. Mr Dylan is just so handsome and I'm sure he would want a super rich billionaire girl ..... His gaze was so intense yesterday that I almost fell to the ground in drool . After talking to them and leaving I felt a pair of hand slide around my waist as I slammed against the wall softly... It was Mr Dylan and he looked angry.. did I get myself in trouble already.

"What did you mean by I always stare too much, look here I have no interest in you. I stare long probably because of how you talk alot. Don't ever mistaken my kindness for dirty emotions" he was breathing heavily and he looked at me with a high spark. He says he has no emotions yet the way he looks at me makes me shiver and he was doing the same type of stare now. Then his eye level dropped from my eye to my lips and then my neck till it reached my legs.

"Mr Mr oh" his lips brushed mine for a few seconds and I was already moaning. He seemed to have felt the electric power I felt that's why he let go of me... I was hurt . I didn't want to look into his eye so I turned to leave but he grabbed me and pulled me to smash him.

"Where are you going innocent Ishita. Gosh your name is so beautiful and so are you.. you have such an effect on me" for some reason I didn't want to know the rock that poked me on my leg. Mr Dylan was really making me feel strange. I have never had a boyfriend before or even male friends . This feeling was new and I was curious to experience more.

"If you two are planning of making babies can you direct it to the room "

it was a female voice and I turned to see her. She was really gorgeous had purple bright eyes. her sight remembered me of the moon.

"Oh hi, mm it's a surprise to see you. Thani is upstairs ... But I advice you return home because he's exhausted. A little rat kept us awake all of yesterday" Mr Dylan spoke while grinning at me. I didn't like being called a rat but that grin brought a smile to my face.

"I need to speak with him Dylan.. he can't just ignore me for ever"she said in a hurt tone before heading towards Mr Thanatos room..

"Is she his girlfriend . She kind of reminds me of the moon" my curious mouth spoke and I wanted to punch myself.. Mr Dylan made no attempt of replying and just stormed upstairs after her.. My tears return and I went straight for another shower before going to the kitchen for food. I ate while watching tele and it took a while before I heard an argument from above the stairs. The sound grew louder and louder and I knew they were coming downstairs.. oh well i placed a chips in my mouth knowing well that I now had two televisions to watch.


I'm sorry for the late update . I have been stressed out hard and I even have a headache but I forced to write a chapter.. Dylan and Ishita will become friends with benefits since he refuses to accept that he loved her from the very first time he saw her in the police station.. Thani and Luna have a long way to go since Luna is soon to know who she really is. I already feel like I'm writing an Indian movie. watch out for more.click the tiny star and comment. Love you guys..