Luna Fate

Luna Pov

For the past week thani looked extremely happy that I was dating... This proved everything.. He never liked or loved me. I lost hope in trying to make him jealous and I ended the jealousy game. My dressings and hotness never changed.. I still wore pleasing cloths... All of last week I tried making him jealous but it affected him not. Today is Saturday and I'm in the house with Angelo. I haven't yet gone to live with my human parents....

"Luna what are you thinking about" Angelo spoke sweetly and I turned to look at him.

"Its just that I realized he never wanted me... I guess I'm really displeasing and ugly" I said while I sobbed .... Angelo and I aren't really close friends. We are together because he is my guardian Angel... I saw him stretch his hands hesitantly before placing it on my shoulder and pulling me to his chest...

"Dont cry. You deserve better than than him.... Someone who will be by your side always... you are too beautiful and gorgeous to hurt this way goddess" he said and I raised my head to look at him ... he looked serious and I smiled.

"Who thought Mr its all about my duty and no friendship could talk this sweet" I said with a lowered gaze and his laugh echoed the building...

"Luna" he said and I responded.

"Yes Angelo" his face looked red and I tried to read his facial expression but couldn't find anything...

"Your dress has shifted up seductively.. I'm an Angel and I can't be tempted unless I'm in love" he said with uneasiness.I watched my dress and realized I almost looked nude. With speed I got up and pulled it down...

"I'm sorry "I whispered before going all red and running to my room....I missed mom,dad and my siblings so I dialed the house main line.

"Hello" when I heard mom voice I cried in excitement.... ever since the incident at Dylan house I haven't heard from them...I also made sure I avoided Preta,Shelly and Raven since we were in the same school.

"Hello" I sheepishly replied and the other voice fell silent..

"Luna,honey where are you .we've been so worried. Your dad even threatened your lover Thanatos" I gulped with that part. Dad threatened Thani... as she continued speaking I heard Shelly and Raven speak in screams.. " Luna ,Luna please come home"their voice were sad....

" mom I will come home today but hope the room for Thanatos is tidied because I'm bringing someone along with me" I said sheepishly..

" Another male in our house.. no honey I can't lose you again" she said in fear.

"Uh mom Angelo and I are not a thing . He's my friend .and besides he's way older than me. Maybe Preta size..." I said and she let out a holding breath ...

"Ok you can come with him" I was glad they accepted him.


Angelo and I arrived at my house and rang the door bell..... "I'm coming" Preta screamed from upstairs and I laughed at her behavior.. When the door twitched and open she looked stiff so I focus on her eye control that landed on Angelo. Of cause I totally forgot they were in the same class.

"Angelo" she said his name softly but all he did was frown and I narrowed my eye at his reaction.... She opened the door widely and left to her room.

"What was that about... you just acted like Thanatos" I spoke in anger when I remembered how the God of death treated me... Angelo sighed defeated and responded.

"She bothers me Luna. She writes me love letters continuously and it makes me think of her always. My number one mission is to keep you safe... I can't let her be a distraction. I'm nothing like Thanatos because I can see how beautiful and perfect Preta is. I just want her safe" .... I looked at him in pride... but when you love someone you have to be willing to take some risk to be with them.... I tapped his back and we entered with our luggage and I embraced my family.... I advised Angelo to talk to Preta while I went out for fresh air.... I wore a white dress that flown below my knee like a gown as I walked in glory...... I walked by a graveyard and it reminded me of Thanatos... I felt someone staring at me and I scanned the environment and saw no one.... Curiosity filled me and I decided to enter the graveyard ... The weather was dark and lonely yet I felt someone or something was around.... I looked around but still found nothing .Suddenly my eyes landed on a golden box . How did it appear here. I didn't see it before..... it looked bright enough to attract. I walked slowly as the wind lingered on my skin and hair and opened it... it contained scrolls ... it's imprint was green and black. I began to read.

"He shall be born with blazing hair and eyes... His stare shall cause gasped and all dead will worship him.. His name is thanatos the God of death. He will free all trapped souls in the physical realms.... but beware,let him never go near the moon spirit.. her purple eyes, silver hair,babylike skin and beauty shall deceive.. She come only to destroy the Spirit of deAd" I had tears in my eyes as I placed the first scroll and took another to read....

"From Thanatos the first: I was so in love with Luna. Her beauty and fearlessness made me proud of my woman. We were in love. At least that's what I thought until she betrayed me.. She killed me and cursed me to be trapped on the earth. My spirit lingered around as I hoped to find the choosen one in luck and possess him. Luna brought the humans life and bright moon and they worshipped her, leaving me hurt and darkening me daily.She later killed herself to be reborn and I know she found pleasure in killing me. She wants to do it all over again. Now deaths doesn't wait for no one .He takes anyone who shows any sign of weakness... I would be reborn and so will she.. This scroll is supposed to be thought to me in other to know my nemesis .... One of us must die and I forbid love between us both"

I now understood why he hates me. He feels like I betrayed him in our other time of existence.His mother had thought him this scrolls and he thinks I'm dangerous and only seek to kill him..I know myself and I won't kill the one I love so much. Yes I thought to myself , I love him very much even though he doesn't treat me well. I still want him and him only..... Since today is Saturday I can be out for long... I moved further into the graveyard and heard two women speak.So I got a hide spot and watched two women in white robe speak.

"I know he's in love with her"one said and the other shakes her head disapproving it.

"I don't think so .. did your son say this to you. I know they are best friends but I don't think he should jump into conclusion for Thanatos ... We don't want history to repeat itself" She said firmly. Was that Dylan's mom, I thought as I watched them...They mentioned about a knife that could kill someone and fade them out of existence in both physically and spiritually. They continued their conversation and I felt worthless. If really I was reborn to kill Thanatos ,then I would kill myself first with the blaze knife to fade out of existence.I had to find it...

I walked silently out of the graveyard and directly home.... I might be dying soon to save my love so I had to spend time with him even if he rejects me.. As I was passing by Preta's room , I found the door slightly open and peeped through it . She was laughing as Angelo made mimicking of their school lecturer.. At least she will stay with her love... I smiled and entered my room for sleep to carry me ...... Sunday passed quickly and it was already Monday... I wore a black jeans and red top... I tied my hair into a pony tail and wore my boots before heading downstairs..... I already made my mind to allow Preta and Angelo walk together instead of me being the third wheel.....We arrived at the school an I hugged them goodbye and entered my class... Everyone knows who I searched for and found. His blazing eyes stared at me and I smiled widely at him which made him shift uncomfortable.... I walked in a hopping way and sat beside him. Again he had that surprised look. Why wouldn't he. I moved my desk far from him when I returned and now I'm sitting beside him...

"Hey Thanatos.. how was your weekend" I asked excitedly and he looked more confused.

" I uh,I , what are you doing Luna" he asked raising his brows questionable... I just shaked my head at him.

"I said how was your weekend" since he didn't love me and although dylan said he does I prefer to stick with him as a friend than as a foe.

"It was fine. And wouldn't your boyfriend get angry at you for talking to me" he said bitterly and I laughed..

"Angelo isn't my boyfriend" I said and he hunged his mouth open.

"He isn't. But you came with him to the cafeteria and introduced him as your boyfriend" he said with his hunged open mouth... it was hilarious and I laughed....

"Well I just wanted to make you jealous but it didn't work. I have now accepted that you have no feelings for me . I don't want you to hate me like you do.. But we can at least be friends right" my tone was sad and he watched me silently as I confessed..

"Luna, I don't hate you. I never did. I always found comfort around you and my old studies prevent me from expressing it" when he said old studies I knew it was about the scrolls..I nodded and was about to get up and go to a different seat when he held my hand . His eyes were certain and he pulled me gently to sink beside him.

"Please don't go. I would very much love to be your friend" I was so excited that I hugged him as I made squeaky noise. He chuckled as he hugged me back and we heard Dylan chuckle... Ishita was beside him and I waved at them both... such cute couples.. The day went so fast and it was time to go home. As I walked with Thanatos , Dylan and Ishita towards the gate I found an angry Angelo. Of cause he will be angry. He didn't want me to hurt like all the times I sobbed about Thani.

" What do you think you are doing Luna.. I don't want you anywhere near him" and he was about to pull me away from Thanatos but Mr God of the dead held me tight... Even Angelo looked shocked as he watched Thanatos...

" You treat her horrible and make her cry all nights and now you dare hold her like this. I'm her overprotective brother and if you don't of my sister now it won't be good for you" he said and I was embarrassed but I spoke to end the glare...

"Awww you two are so cute. Now stop glaring at each other.Angelo please dear this was my decision.. I will be fine I promise" he looked at me with the are you sure eyes before nodding and going to join Preta....

"How did you meet him....... He cares really much about you.. were you once a..." thanatos was speaking but I cut him off.

"No Thanatos, we weren't dating. He's in love with my sister and I'm more than happy for them" He nodded and smiled as he pulled me even more closed and dragged me to his car..

"Ok guys now bye" I said to them as I hoped he would let go of me but instead he carried me bridal style and placed me in the car.

" Thanatos are you kidnapping me now. Oh great and I thought we were friends" I kept on talking and they chuckled .... The familiar mansion arrived in my sight and again he carried me to his room... I was feeling awkward but I managed to stay focus...

"You wanna stay and play a game. I just don't know how to start this.. I have been so rude and hurt you. I'm so sorry Luna" his hand covered his eyes and I used my hand to remove it to see his face.

"Thanatos" I wanted to talk and he pulled me to hug me.

"No Luna it's Thani , call me thani. It sounded really nice the day you said it" I was beyond excited.......

"Thani" he looked at me and smiled and I began to sing the name continuously .

" What game do you wanna play" he asked as I grinned.

"Stickman is my favorite" he faked a gasped.

" Are you this violent innocent Luna. You want to play a game full of murder" he was grinning too and I rolled my eyes... I called mom and told her I was sleeping over at Thani place and she became angry and said I should come home instantly... but I didn't go because my time with my lover was short. As soon as I found the blaze knife I would kill myself..

We played the game and ended sleeping on the ground as we cuddled..........

Dylan Pov

I peeped through Thani room and saw him cuddling Luna as they slept. Who knew that one day they would be this close...

"Piss, Mr Dylan. You have to sleep" I turned to see Ishita standing in just her night wear. She looked breathtaking with those transparent outfit...

"Snap out of it Mr Dylan. Mr stare " I chuckled and pulled her close as I kissed her forehead..

"Baby I thought we discussed this issue of formalities.. you have to call me Dylan not Mr Dylan. You are really strange Ishita... You always call me Dylan when moaning yet you still find it hard to call me in normal times" her face was bright red as I said that... She was embarrassed in front of me. This little angel of mine is amazing....

"Hush Dylan Its not my fault that I say your name when turned on or moan"she was biting her lips and I smirked.she just said my name without adding Mr... Who knows what it mean?. I carried her to the room and we did what we wanted to. I loved her so much and ever since our misunderstanding ended we got close.Apparently we are dating and it make me the most happiest man alive.


This is my longest update ever... I hope you like it. Since now Thani and Luna are friends. As usual tap the tiny star and comment on it. Love you guys and thanks for the support.