Harz Palace 00:15am

Liveda Pov

I stood in the garden with huge worry . I had sensed a power that knocked me out. No one in the kingdom possess my powers because I had multiple but not all of it. The elders thought I am the chosen one of Elimen but I knew within me I wasn't. And today said it all. The mage ability i sensed was far more powerful than mine and I had to find out who the person is.

"My son is in deep thought .must I know the reason " I heard my father say from behind me.

" I sensed great magic today from the human world Father and I have to know the source" his expression darkened and I saw a stormy rage build on his face. He also was in thought but suddenly his eyes widened in shock.

" Yes I shall come with you. Our chariot should be prepared". He looked pale and I had to find out.

" Who do you think it is. Elimen or something more dangerous" I thought about what I said myself .if this person or creature wasn't Elimen then all lives will be destroyed..

"Guard , prepare a ride for the Crown Prince and I . We ride tomorrow at 6." and he left in hurry.

I decided to stop thinking about the stressful and mysterious power that I felt but rather rest . I let out a deep breath as the wind brushed against me with my eyes closed. A pair of hands circled around my torso . The scent of Woody petals filled the air and I instantly knew it was Brittney.

She kissed my cheeks and nibbled on my neck. Sometimes I wish I hadn't met her. I only entered this relationship because her father General Oz who has all the love of the army blackmailed me to be with her. Brittney is obsessed about me but I know it's because of power. She wishes to be future queen once we all graduate from Harz institute. I groaned in distress at where she snaked her hands to . She's tempting me. I don't like her but no doubt she's an attractive red hair girl with the oddest gray eyes. I turned and held her tight staring straight into her eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk if I were you I wouldn't be tempting an angry mage . You would definitely want the beautiful dress on you to stay in touch " . I saw all edges of her lips rising to form a smile. She leaned in and bit my ear. That was it, I had to teach her a lesson. With speed as one ability of mine , I carried her to my room , placed her on the bed and locked the door. She was still panting over the speed. My eyes showed no love but lust. I ripped off my shirt and bent over her . Our kiss was intense but I didn't moan . Brittney on the other hand whimpered so loudly . By the time our make out session was over we both lay under the cover whiles our cloths lay on the ground.

" baby you seem distracted, didn't you like what went on" she asked looking worried. Who wouldn't like what went on I thought to myself. I gave a loud chuckle and assured her it's nothing like that. ...I closed my eyes for sleep to captivate me and I landed in a dream.

" Hello is anyone there, my name is Mariline and I'm lost" . through a steam I heard the most sweetest voice on universe.. I neared it's echo and behold saw an angel. She had gorgeous black wavy hair, bright green eyes, a enticing fair skin that showned as the moon. I realized I was shivering . What was she doing to me. Then those pair of green eyes looked directly into mine and I was drooling .... She approached me and reintroduce herself as Mariline.

It felt strange as to how I saw her In my dream. But the main truth was that we were sharing this particular dream.

" Mariline , it's a beautiful name. Sounds like a melodious mucic" I said it with my eyes closed but I swear I heard a whimper. I snapped my eye open and I saw the most hilarious seen of my life . Her pupils had different positions. One was at the top of her eye and the other eyes pupil showed at the bottom.her face lit red and her hands tried to cover it up. I laughed so hard it made my rib cage to hurt. She on the other hand looked embarrassed." Look im sorry I laughed, and to tell you the truth you looked really adorable with the wierd face. I'm Liveda but you in particular can call me baby"

I said winking at her. A smile crossed her lips and it made my heart melt. We talked more and more .I told her about myself living in Harz except for the part that mentioned me as royal. She told me she was in the human man world and how annoying her siblings were . Their schools there sounded boring except for when she mentioned an event called prom . The thought of her with another male dancing made me sick in my stomach. My anger was deep and it made my powers unstable. Normally when I'm in such a state I end up killing but when I turned to her direction i halted from spilling blood. She look scared and I hated it..

" Are you scared of me, i don't want you to be ever scared of me. This is who I am and you have to accept it" .I said in a commanding way. she shifted away but not too far .

" Are you a wizard" I stared at her and I could feel here pure soul.

" Yes I'm a mage or you can say a wizard .but that sounds too evil so I don't use it. All of us here in Harz have abilities" she crooked her fingers on her chin and noded then she smiled . I almost stumbled to the ground. How can she have such an effect on me.

" Liveda" she whispered and came closer and our nose touched.

" I think I'm like you. I have strange dreams about someone calling me Elimen and it scares me"

She looked like she wanted to cry and I pulled her into my hand. I sighed heavy because I knew I have found the mystery mage power I sensed . .

Everything changed at once and I returned to the ruthless self I am. I can't control myself around her but I had to take away what she has . When we disconnected from the dream I sat on my bed to plan what to do. My next reign as a king requires I possess my many mage ability without the existence of Elimen. Mariline must die!!!!! I already sensed my inner demon ripe out of me. He is deadly and he doesn't hesitate to kill.