Moving Out

Mariline Pov

I was angry but excited we were visiting Harz. They could have approached us with a friendly request but no ,they use royal barbaric order. I have read lots of books that describes the land as milk and honey so yes I wanted to ensure my studies were real. What about Marley. She is also a mage right , i can't leave her all alone here. She already has the #girls problem with Roberto. I picked up my phone and called her.

Ring Ring Ring

Marley: Hey watsup girlooo. .

Me: hey Marls I'm moving out.

Marley: what, how when.

I told her all the details and she rather seemed relax and excited. Strange girl . How can she be this happy for this.

Marley: I'm coming over . Will be there within 20mins.

Me: great .I even need some help with my packaging.

And the call ended. I finished packing my books ,cloths and teddy bears before Marley stepped in.

"There is my cute shifter"I said and hugged her. She was giggling and it made me roll my eyes.

" Mari what help were you looking for. You already packed everything .. oh nevermind . I've got something to tell you" I was curious so I sat directly beside her with my eyebrows raised and lips pouted out. She laughed and began talking

"So the good news is !!!!" She said and was smiling. Why is she smiling. For God sake I'm in suspense here.

"Is what tell me. Stop smiling Miss or else I will steam you ... " She always hated steam for some reason and also fire. So you can guess that she and Carmalo don't mash up .

" The good news is I am also going to Harz institute as a student. The letter arrived yesterday too" she was masked with excited and her squel sounded like a mouse .she also announced that her parents already talked to mine and we will be traveling together. I was so happy by the fact that we will be by each other's side. We put on a music and danced . When I say dance I mean holding hands and jumping. That is what you call best friends dance moves right. Hehe I'm so excited. Piiii Piiiii . It was the horn of the moving van. It was time to go. We hurried downstairs to the car. But then stopped and said our goodbye to the house. We have been leaving here for years and it was hard to vacate it.

"Goodbye bedroom, secret makeup wardrobe, my favorite sofa conner. I will miss you" Adrenia was been too wierd right now with all this talking to the house stuffs . I dragged her out to the van and we were set on our journey.

" hey Mari , isn't this land said to be magical? So why does it look like we are going to vegas" Carmalo was right .it was wierd how the journey seemed normal.

3hours later still Mariline Pov

I was asleep but felt faint tap on my thigh so I peeked with one eye at my mom.

" Come on lazy bones. We have arrived" she said directing toward me , Adrenia, Carmalo and Marley.

Arrived !!! We all jumped to our feets and rushed out of the van to find a thick forest. Oh no I'm not going in there I said faintly and turned to go head home but my mom pulled me back by holding my ears. Ouch ouch it hurts.

" This forest has lots of wild animals . We are not entering through trees. We are entering through a portal. Besides this was the only place we wouldn't get notice" mom said and we nodded.

" Remember kids Harz is just a fairy tale to man . They don't know it to be real and we can't risk it" Marley mom spoke.

She begun to speak some strange language and I think it went like this

" Alk mei dei est dziba" she repeated it three times and Sparks lit every where and there was a portal in front of use. An actual portal . The excitement covered us all even my parents . Marley family didn't flee . They all had powers so there was nothing to run from. They only came to human world to have a peaceful family upbringing. We all had our laugages with us and stepped through the portal. OMG. The was a chariot waiting. It was so huge and could only be moved by ten horses. I heard a melodious song of welcom. It had said welcome Elimen . . I thought I heard it say that but the others seemed not to so I just brushed it over.

" Ahhhhhhh this is so beautiful " Marley squeak out. The view was amazing . There were unknown creatures moving above us. They looked like dragons . Their beauty was exquisite. This creatures are supposed to be royal pets not just any normal mage pet. Their colors were like rainbow glistening with water ray..

"This place is amazing. Can you remind me why we left" Marley spoke while lowering her gaze at her parents. That's one similarity we have. The funny expression. We all laughed but frowned when we arrived at the palace.

Liveda Pov

"Cubcake the Grunch family will be visiting today .you and Roberto will have to greet them nicely for they are the Grunchs. The last decendant of Lord Valix" . We bowed our head in agreement. And she exited. I don't even care about this Grucnch family. Why should I meet them. Roberto was thinking but he shared his head in disapproval of what he was thinking.

"Berto !!! You aren't thinking about your lover are you?. You have to keep her off your mind to reduce stress. Plus we are the Princes of Harz and need to be present to welcome this so called Grunch family" he chuckled and looked at me.

" The name seems familiar. I have heard someone call that name before in school. What if one of the kids attended the human world school" I knew how he felt . We always sense magic but he wasn't able to sense any on them. They might have used a disguise spell in the human land.

" Prince Liveda ,and Prince Roberto. Your presence is needed in the palace auditorium by the king." A guard said and later existed the room. We both walked out in pride to face the visitors but I choked and so did Roberto. I watched who his gave was directed to and she stood beside was obvious she was his mystery girl. He realized mine too. Both girls seemed too shocked and they were also choking like us. Everybody didn't know what was going on.

"Liveda" "Roberto" they spoke at the same time and now the auditorium was filled with complete silence. The was an exchange look between her family.

"Mariline"" Marley" we spoke together toooo. It was like our breath was shortening. What was Mariline doing here. She isn't save here. She would be a target to go against me. She was my weakness.

Marley Pov

No no this can't be. Roberto was in Harz and is also a a Prince. The story of Harz Princes describes them as women destroyers. How can I be in love with someone who left me and never came back . Tears were full in my eye sight and same showed on Mariline eyes. Carmalo can be a saver. He used his mage fire to dry it up but I'm certain both princes saw our eyes glistening.

" I'm sorry but I can't stay here a minute. Hey Marley you wanna come?" Her voice was firm but I sensed the crack. I nodded and we headed outside the auditorium.

"Liveda is real and he's Roberto's brother. I don't know why it hurts so much when I saw him Marley. I agree I'm crushing on him but we only know each other in the dream." Mari voice filled with emotions.

" Did you tell him you are Elimen" she looked at me in shock.

"I am not Elimen"

"You refuse to accept it but you are. I'm not supposed to tell you this. We all agreed to hide it from you. I know you know who you truly are you just don't want to accept it. Tell me what you have told him so far about yourself"

She looked guilty and spoke" I told him a voice calls me Elimen and it's freaky wierd. I didn't know I truly was. Plus I haven't manifested any power apart from steam mage"

We both sighed with fustration . We hadn't even notice where we were. It had rose flowers and all sought of flowers. The colors were beautiful. How far did we go to get here . I saw no sight if the auditorium.Mari on the other hand seems addicted to the flowers . sniffling here and there like a puppy. If not for Roberto showing his face to me I would have laughed hard . Another person was beside him and it was Liveda. As if Mari sensed him. She turned and their eyes met. I tried to stay a distance from berto but he grabbed me and took me somewhere else.


What do you think will happen in the next chapter. The king will be really pissed and so will Mr Grunch . The people of the town are all confused. Liveda, Roberto , Mariline and Marley are also facing their emotional crisis. Poor Mari , what will she do if Brittney shows up kissing Liveda......

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