Unknown Aquintance

Devsenac aquintance Pov

Day by day I feel suffocated.. Mariline had killed my father... I sat in my Chamber formulating how to kill her... knowing very well how much she was loved and protected by her friends, I decided to create a distraction for them. I was thinking about the perfect way to entice them ... but then an Idea popped in me head and I smiled in a mischievous manner. I wore a black and white silk dress and a white hoody to ensure my face was hidden. I still did a disguise spell to hide my true identity... I walked through the palace hall without fear but then the guards surrounded me.

"Who are you imposter.. state your name this instant" one of them spoke. I grinned evily under the hood and gently pulled it off.. they froze when they saw.. Actually they froze because they were under my spell. I walked bravely and stood in front of the royal guard who spoke to me that way. He was drooling while staring at me.

"Tsk tsk tsk you should have let me passed through in peace... I cannot disclose my name to you but I can tell you a riddle clue....are you ready" I watched them all and laughed before continuing my riddle.

"Riddle Riddle, I'm a demon slash water mage . My natural home is the sea and my most powerful speciality is spell bounding men with my beauty.WHO IM I" this soldiers are no fun. They couldn't reply but a girl replied from behind me and I turned to watch

"Your are a fucking mermaid and succubus " she spat out and I smiled at her bravery.. She had gray eyes and blonde hair.... I sensed part of Devsanac in her and I rejoiced that she was alive..

"Sara is that really you?Sara oh hunny I missed you.. don't you sense who I am because all members of devsanac family is blessed with additional 7th sense" she looked at me with the steady eye but then she frowned more.

"What are you doing grandma. Great grandpa is already dead and this demon of yours really helps you keep in shape..." She was glancing at me in surprise and I laughed.

"My dear Sara . One thing you should know about the Devsanac family is that we never fear death. That is why father had the courage and boldness to attack the Institute but fear not my dear. I have no intention of attacking anyone" she seemed to calm down by my lie . Oh I had plans and now I'm going to use this granddaughter of mine to fulfil my dark motives.

Sara Pov

Yesterday Grandma looked dangerous even tho her words calmed me down. Today was a palace tour for the students and I had hated coming.It was a surprise announcement and students seemed excited. Who wouldn't be. It was a day to skip class.. As I walked with my hands dipped in my pocket I crushed into someone .

"Owww can't you see where you are walking"I held my nose and lifted my head to find #Mr hot Rojal... when he looked into my eyes I whimpered loudly and he groaned... I sensed that he didn't like his response after my whimper because he stormed out past me in anger.... I on the other hand was left daydreaming about him. How can I whimper just by him staring at me. It felt like jolts of electric crashing in my veins... I breathed in some fresh air but paused at the lady staring at me.. She was his green eye queen and she looked jealous but smiled...

"Hi I'm Mari, you are Sara right, Devsanac great grand daughter" I stood there with my mouth open. How did she know..

"How did you , know " I said faintly..

But she smiled again and whispered.

"The future is showed by the Elimen . You saw Rojals future because I casted a spell to trace the right lady for him. I really don't want to leave him but I sense danger. It's dark like death. Maybe I will die . I sense it at Devsanac grave. So I had to find someone to take care of him for me" I was shocked. She was Elimen. I left the Institute 1week before grandpa attacked so I didn't see the action that went on. If she really is Elimen then she killed him. I was now scared of this innocent looking girl..

"Sara , Sara ,damn it Miss get out of that trace immediately"she said in an Elimen tone . It was so powerful and I lifted my gaze to her and I found myself uttering countless of sorry... we chat for a while before joining the group ..

"Hello lovely students, This tour was unexpected but we hope you enjoy it.Launch is ready and we would be glad if you all dine with us" the queen spoke so gently and the students were so excited about eating the royal dish .... As the king sat down we all followed after him... I must say this food is so delicious ... because I didn't waste time in

eating . I fetched the rice on the spoon so big and shoved it in my mouth while I chewed ... I heard someone chuckle and I looked to see #Hot Rojal staring at me with an amused face... a pair of green eyes landed on his and I saw guilt in his eyes... if only he knew that she brought me here for him... After the dine was I over we gathered on the great palace hall for entertainment.... Miss green eyes introduced me to her friends and family.. let me try remembering their name.

" Rojal, Marcus, Roberto,Liveda, Adrenia,Marley,Carmalo, Leba,Luciana, and bitchney who they didn't need" yep that's her team and they were MY new friends... we danced and joked and it was so amazing ... green eyes Mari excused herself but the fun was still on..

"Where is Mari" Prince Liveda spoke with concern... that's when we realized that she has been gone for almost an hour... we announced to the palace and everyone began to search for her. It's strange she was no where to be found and fear gripped us..I remembered what she told me earlier and blurted out..

"I think I know where she is" ... they all turned to look at me .. The questions were just too much.

"Where Is she" Rojal spoke.

" then why didn't you say so" bitchney spoke.

"Please let us know where she is" Marley ,Adriana and Carmalo spoke.. that was when I nodded and spoke.

"Shes at my , I mean Devsanac grave"

"What" they shouted in unison ... they were very worried ,even her parents and the king.. The queen had left for rest so she had no idea what was happening.... with speed we rushed to Devsanac grave yard and the sight we came across was deadly.. Mariline was in her Elimen state and her anger was intense. Beside her stood the queen who also had a murderous look...

"I would end you Mari for killing my father" the queen hissed at her.

"I always knew the was something strange about you. Who knew Devsanac will stoop so low by allowing his daughter to marry the king and bore children for him.. you are an old wretch" Mari tone was powerful..

"I would end your story this instance like I ended your father you succubus ... a disgusting creature like you isn't meant to live"Mari spoke again and the queen laughed..

" You speak about Devsanac blood and refer to it as an abomination .. forgetting that your lover,Liveda has it and so does Luciana and Sara. You knew about sara but still became her friend . You know I really liked you " grandma spoke and I saw a countless amount of eyes on me... The Elimen and grandma still didn't know we were watching them... Mariline breath out lightening and it was an epic view... then grandma began to change into her normal succubus enchanting self and her eyes were pure red and evil.black vapour began to come out from grandma and I knew what it was. It was the death spirit.. Marcus was about to run and take in the vapour when Prince used super speed and grabbed Mari while the vapour entered him.

Mariline Pov

I was so angry that I had planned to redirect her death spirit to her but before I could take any action I found myself in Liveda arm. He was staring at me and he was in pain. That was when I realized what was happening. He took in the death spirit to save me... The queen immediately stop casting and looked at her son in horror.from the way she looked I knew that she actually loved him. Everyone rushed in and I was surprised how they found me. This secret was known by only one person and I scanned the environment to find a pair of gray eyes. When I saw her I had anger all over my face and if I hadn't had full control over my Elimen I would have killed her instantly. ..... Liveda faint voice brought me out of my thought.

"Mariline. I'm sorry for everything I did ... Brittney and I relationship is like a contract.. I love you and you only.. I knew you belonged to me the first day I saw you in my dream... but then you and Rojal seem so.happy and that was all I wanted. Your happiness... I love you" and my Liveda was gone. I was screaming and no one dared near me . I was in my Elimen state and it was dangerous... My screams echoed everywhere. This pain I felt was worse that what I felt when Marcus was stabbed...

"No No open your eyes Liveda open your eyes.open your eyes ..I love you" I said in a whisper and my tears were streaming down... there was a sharp pain in my head and when I closed my eyes to calm down I saw a revelation.. it was about me saving Liveda... It showed that I could recite a chant and transfer the spirit to myself and restore his soul... I turned to look at Rojal . His eyes were dark but Sara was hugging him from behind and it calmed him down. Tears were streaming down and I stood up in my misery. Directing my hands in Liveda lifeless body as I began to recite the chant in my revelation..

"Bukkz ja hak .Mek urk tagg... sisp majuk haloya ... eik mei HALUWA" Liveda and I were surrounded by spirits of the dead... I just had to spot him out among them. I saw a pair of blue eyes that looked sorrowful as it stared at me. That was Liveda spirit and I used a chant to direct it into his body and it forced the spirit of death to come out.. The spell I casted blocked every path for it to enter someone and I was the only one available... I closed my eyes as I felt it penetrate me. I heard screams from my family and friends but I smiled... I did the right thing by saving the future king of Harz.... That was the end of me.. I was lost in darkness.

Rojal pov

I was so angry when she told Liveda she loved him and I was about to loose control over my powers when a hand wrapped around me. It was Sara and it calmed me down. I was in love with Mari but Sara made me feel strange... I didn't want any man near her. She was mine. That was the thought I had in my mind at the dinning table and I felt guity.... ... Mariline was devastated. And she said strange words and The dark spirit came out of Liveda and entered her. I wasn't the only one to scream. All her love ones were screaming including me. I was crying .... Because Mari disappeared into dust just like the other Elimens that were no more in existence... Our Mari was gone... Liveda woke after a few hours and we broke the news to him. It was like he was born as the devil. His demon was in rage and pain.... we chained him up to prevent him from murdering innocent people... He has to accept that Mari was no more ...The queen was sentenced to death and she didn't look scared. Her mission was completed... We all gathered in the hall with mourning cloths and even the chained Liveda was there and he looked pitiful.

" my fellow people.. Elimen saved us all .She wouldn't want us to show weakness. She wouldn't want her sacrifice to be in vain .. we have to continue living in harmony and from this day forth, we shall do no discrimination" the king spoke his words of wisdom and we lightly cheered...

"Master will be back. I just know it.. She can't leave me. I'm supposed to die with her. It's how our destiny goes. Elimen and her bonded apprentice always die together because of our connection. So if I'm alive so is Mariline" Marcus spoke in sincerity and people pitied him. I on the other hand believed him. And I saw hope in my friends eyes too and even Liveda became calm ...


Sorry for the late update.I made this chapter long to cover up for yesterday.. hope you like it.. by the way Mari isn't dead yet... She will return.. this book of mine feels like a movie...tap the tiny star and comment..love you guys...