Speech gone wrong

All of Harz Pov

The king address shocked all of the citizens. They didn't know how to react about this marriage. The all witnessed how the Prince showed excess love to the Chosen one. They also knew that the army loved the general. What if this was just a setup.While all this went off a group of guards joined the battalion who stood like statues and the Prince along side with General Oz daughter,sat beside the king. They all believed that Brittney didn't deserve to be queen but who are they to object what a king says. They clapped with gritting teeth and cheered with boredom as the General stood to come upfront for his speech.

He was smiling broadly and no one had interest in it.

"Dear Citizens of Harz. His Majesty has already concluded the date of the marriage as tomorrow. I am honoured as your beloved General that my daughter was the Prince chosen bride. His highness Liveda had been together with Brittney as long as I can remember . They have always been in love and tomorrow is a day they both hoped for" he spoke and the people were confused. It is true that the Prince has been with Brittney for a while now but his reaction at the tournament pointed who his heart belonged to and students in harz institute told their parents about the carrying her to through the halls incident . As the General spoke he slowly shifted his gaze to the soldiers and nodded his head. He knew he was talking to some particular people to praise and defend him to look magnificent.

"This is absurd. The Prince never showed love for your daughter and the same applied to her" one of the soldiers who are supposed to be his men said. It made other guards surprised at him.

"He is right. The Prince loves Elimen. We personally saw him confess his love yesterday. We admire you sir but this is not logical. We all know that Prince Liveda will be king someday and his wife will be queen of Harz. I don't want to sound inappropriate but I feel you are forcing your child to gain power for you" another guard again who is supposed to be his man said.

The General was tongue tied. He had paid this idiots a huge sum of money and this is how they handled the situation. Now all the town people begun to murmur among each other . Then a hell of commotion broke loose. The people begun to give out their complain to the frustrated king. He accepted for son to marry Brittney because of his guards love for the General but looks like he was wrong about the excess love. Those people who caused this might be imposters he thought to himself. For years he has seen how the guards supported General Oz and this incident was weird . The king now stood confused as he tried to calm his people.

Speaking of General Oz ,he was extremely angry by what was happening and left the ground to enter the palace. Brittney sheepishly followed him to know his next move after all she is part of his haters. She took in quick breaths that made her resemble and angry person and she matched straight to begin the complaints.

"How can such a disaster happen. What ever you do old man just make sure you secure the position for me" she threatened him and hoped he will fall for it and not accuse her. Oz looked at his angry daughter and breathed out a mighty dust from his ear. He was an earth mage and right now he was a really pissed earth mage. Brittney smiled knowing that she had to exhibit face two of the plan.

"Cough cough now" she said loudly and frowned her face when she saw no sign of a mini camera or person. Her father thought she referred for him to clear the mess and his anger increased. How dare she disrespect him.

"I said now" she spoke even more firmly referring to Marcus who had a camera to record the scene.Mr Oz however misinterpreted her behavior and decided to end her instantly. He cracked his knuckles and within those process,the earth from beneath the ground climbed up Brittney's legs towards her waist all the way to her neck. After it began to cake up and she was stuck in a sand concrete.

"Silly child. Who thought you to raise your voice at me. You are useless . I don't need you anymore. I'm done with you . Stay away from the Prince from now on because I would find him another wife. Tomorrow there will be a wedding but you won't be under the veil " He spoke in an evil way as he used the earth to squeeze the life out of her.

"This is your end. Rest in peace" he was about to end her when a sharp object pierced his hand causing him to cry in pain.

"Ice"Brittney said lightly as she watched the object that hurt him . It was ice. The air that blew behind her made her shiver. There was only one person who creates such an atmosphere. She turned to see a furious Tarem standing still while watching her father. With one blow of his, all the earth that covered her body was down to the ground..

"You shameless man. You lay a finger on my Brittney. My woman" the General angry flamed up one more time and he forgot the pain he was going through.

"Imbecile.You still stayed with him after I forbade you to. The treat to kill him didn't get into your head" he screamed and Tarem was speechless. Brittney left him to save him. He was now feeling guilty. Meanwhile behind the brick wall , Marcus videoed every scene that was occurring.

"What kind of father are you. You seek power so much that you make your child's life miserable" Tarem questioned him.

"She is not my child. The day I found out that woman was sleeping with other men I got the Test result to see if she was my child but she wasn't. I despise her so much and I have full authority over her. I will make her pay for her mother's crime " the General spoke and Tarem landed a blow on his face. He kept on punching him hard as he remembered all his special moments with Brittney. He remembered how devastated he was when she left him. He remembered how he falsely blamed it all on Liveda and hated him to the core. The whole ground filled with blood as Tarem kept on punching him.

"Tarem stop. Please stop" Brittney said in a begging tone and he softened.... He got up and pulled her in his arms and kept on apologising ....

"Guards , guards" the General shouted and two royal soldiers came to his aid. They helped him up and he smiled wickedly at Brittney and Tarem. He knew what he had in mind. He would charge them for adultery against the King and his son to have them executed.

"I have seen these two fornicate and it is an insult towards our king. Seize them and put them in the dungeon. They must be executed immediately". As there was no respond he looked toward their direction in anger.

"Don't you have respect. Seize them now" General spoke again and this time they grabbed unto his hands and begun to drug him out. Tarem and Brittney looked surprised but they followed the guards to the ground the citizens stood.

"Hey General. Look behind you" Prince Liveda said with a smirk and all three of turned to face the opposite direction. Their eye ball almost fell to the ground. They were absolutely shock. Apparently all that was going on inside there was being streamed live with a projector for all to watch. The blood in the General's face drained and he looked pale, while Tarem and Brittney used excitement to run towards their friends and hug them.

"I guess we misjudged her.. She is even friends with Elimen. They had planned together and exposed him" said an unknown boy in the crowd.

"Yes Jake . Poor girl was being mistreated by her father. Forget about her. Have you revealed your identity to your girlfriend. I know it's been long you talked to her but I'm sure she misses you. Afterall she thinks you are a mere human in the other world. Try talking to her" said a middle age woman spoke as she was patting the guy on his shoulder.


Who remembers who Jake is. To find out you have to check the second chapter of Land of Harz... I hope you had fun reading and thank you very much. Merry Christmas in advance.