Andrea POV

“Ma'am, I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving.” a crying maid said in front of me.

“Martina, can't you extend your service until I find a replacement?.” I requested to her.

“I'm sorry Ma'am, I can't handle another day with your nephew.” she finally said.

I took a deep breath. This will be my problem again in the next few days.

“All right, just get your two days salary from Mrs. Sol.” I refer to the head housekeeper of the mansion.

Martina is the fourth maid who's going to leave the mansion this week. The reason....

“Auntie, I don't want Nanny. I'm already a big boy.” Clyde Versailles, my 5 years old nephew.

He's sitting beside me, We're here in the living room on the first floor. He's listening to us talking about the newly departed maid.

“Baby, you need Nanny. We need someone to watch you if we're not at home even outside." I explained to him while caressing his adorable face.

“I can take care of myself.” this answer seems old.

At the age of five, childhood is not reflected in his speech and thinking. I feel like we're at the same age when we talk. This child intelligence inherit to his Father.

“But baby, you still need Nanny. How about going to school? You need someone to look after you. What if bad guys will harm you, is that okay with you?” I threatened.

“Our school has many guards, if someone will harm me, they will notice immediately.” that I know bullying this child is not effective.

“Your Dad will get mad, if he knows what you've done with your previous Nanny's.” I said to him.

I am aware of what he's done to the helpers, so they did not last any longer. It's lucky if they stayed at least three days.

At this age, he already knows a lot of pranks.

“But they're annoying.” annoyed is visible with his voice.

When this child is frowning, I saw my brother in him. They are really had the same features specially when my brother at his young age.

No one else will take care of him, so I take care of his needs. My brother runs our company. But, I can't watch him all the time because I also have my own business.

I'm Alexandria Nicole Versailles, a 25 years old boutique owner and an international model. I've been modeling in different countries, but I temporarily stop because of my brother's request. He needs someone to attend his son's needs. I told him to get a wife, but he declined. Instead, he gave me a business, particularly this boutique, just to agree with what he wants. Even if I refused, I couldn't do anything when he wanted to. He is scary when he's mad.

“Baby, your Dad wants you to have Nanny. We can't do anything about it. You need to accept them.” I know he can understand, but this boy is really stubborn.

“Auntie, those Nanny can't stand with my prank. Really annoying .... and I felt like I have a tail. They're always at my back” he reasoned out.

Everyone who becomes he's Nanny experienced some pranks from him. They can't stand the child pranks and decided to leave than to stay and continue working.


“Andrea, have a snack first.” Mrs. Sol said coming from the kitchen.

She was carrying a glass of strawberry juice and a sandwich.

“Baby, go back to your room first, I'll talk to your Dad later.” I said to the boy before kissing him on the forehead.

He followed but still frowning.


“Did his personal maid leave again?” Mrs. Sol asked in concern as we both looked at the child's distant bulk.

“Yes, Mrs Sol. I don't know what to do with him. I can't give my Brother this kind of problem. He has a lot of work to do with the company.” My brother is in charge of the business left by our parents.

Our parents death was because of the plane crash they were on during their vacation outside the country.

Our family owned a Shipping Line Company with branches not only in Asia but in different Countries. We also owned Airports and Seaports. He's been busy all the time. It was a heavy responsibility on his shoulder.

“If my knees were still strong, I would take care of him. You know when I get rheumatism, I can't move properly. That boy doesn't like any helper here except me.” according to our parents, Mrs Sol serve our family for almost 40 years. She's in her late 60s now. She doesn't have any family, and we treated her as our family member.

“I understand Mrs Sol, I will just find a new one and thank you for the snack.” I smiled thankfully to her.

“Alright, I'm living you here, I'm just fixing something in the kitchen.” she said goodbye that I could only answer with a nod.



“Brother.” my short answer from the caller to the other line.

Here I am in my room. Searching various agencies to hire another helper.

“Andrea, how's Clyde?” a cold voice from him.

“He's fine and ....” I don't know if I will tell him what happened, but knowing him .....

“I know what happened, find another one.” he knew what was going on.

He's my brother after all. There was nothing he didn't know. Being Alexander Aidan Versailles, a 29 years old business tycoon, he knows everything. We didn't have any idea how he do it, but of course, family is his priority.

“Yes, I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll take care of this.” I answered to him.

“Make sure to find someone reliable. I don't want some mistakes again, Andrea.” he said before turning off the phone.

Even though he's busy with our family businesses, he still not neglects his son needs. In fact, he takes time to spend with his child.

I let out a deep breath after our conversation and continue my searching. I scanned all agencies and save their contacts.

Sometimes, I don't feel we're siblings. When his ill-tempered attitude strikes, I do nothing. I just let it go, so as time goes on, I get used to it.



Ring .... Ring ....

The sound of my phone caught my attention again.

I got a lot of agency numbers to call one by one later.

“Sweet cake !!!” I was excited to greet the person on the other line.

“Baby, you're not excited, aren't you?” I even heard a faint laugh from the other line.

He's Miguel Montes, my long time boyfriend. He's into modeling too, and we met in Korea. Marriage not yet cross in our mind, we're just enjoying both companies.

“I miss you sweet cake.” I said with too much tender in my voice. “When are you going to visit me?” They have an event in Malaysia today. So I haven't seen him for a few days.

“Soon, baby and I miss you too.” his tender answer. “So, how's life?” he asked.

From lying on the bed, I sat down while holding the phone that was in my left ear.

“I have another problem finding a personal maid for my nephew. I felt like I will grow old fast here.” I complained to him. He is the only one who patiently listens to my problems here at home.

“My Baby is stressed again.” I smiled at what he said. I feel better every time he caresses me like this. “What can I do for you?”

“Don't, I can do it. So far, I have obtained the various contact numbers of the agency that I will call later.” I explained to him.

“Okay, Baby. Just call me if you need help.” he is really thoughtful.

“Okay sweet cake.” I enthusiastically agree.

“I'm going to hang up now, Baby. We'll start in a few seconds. I love you.”

“Okay take care and I love you too.” I also answered him before turning off the phone and going back to what I was doing earlier.



“I'm sorry Ma'am, but according to the workers we sent to you, they don't last any longer because of the child. I do not know what is wrong with the child, but we dispatched ten workers, they have the same grievance. Apology Ma'am, but as of now we can't give you another worker. We dispatched them in different jobs.”

“Okay thanks.” I put down the phone and slash the last number I listed earlier.

I can't do anything if they won't send a new worker. It's not their fault and I can't blame them either.

I took another deep breath.

Where can I get a maid today? Clyde's school will start a week from now. I need someone right away.



“Sweet cake !!!!” if earlier I was too excited to open up with him, now, my voice will almost crack.

“Baby, what's wrong?” he worriedly asked from the other line. I knew the event was over, so I called him.

“Sweet cake, I need your help.” I told him.

“Anything Baby, what is it?” he asked.

“I need a maid for my nephew. Various agencies are rejecting me.” if he sees me now. He will probably laugh at me again with my snout.

“Okay Baby, I'll take care of it. Just relax there. I don't want to see my baby look like a duck.”

“Sweet cake. !!” I know he's kidding me.

He just laughed on the other line.

“I'll call my friend, Baby. That will surely help us.” he said goodbye for a while and I agreed.


I'm just waiting for his call, while lying down.


“Baby good news. She'll come at your place tomorrow.” I'm grateful with his news.

“Thank you so much, Sweet cake. I love you.” I happily told him that almost jumped on the bed.

“You're welcome. Take a rest now, Baby.” he ordered me.

“Wait, where did you get the new maid?” I asked, because I know that I have contacted almost all agencies in the Philippines.

“My friend used a connection. I don't know where, but it's confirmed that someone will go there tomorrow.” He said.

“Okay, I'll wait tomorrow. Thanks sweet cake.” I said softly before our conversation ended.



The next day ...

“G-good day M-ma'am.” I heard greetings as I came down from my room when a maid called me.

I saw a woman sitting in the living room.

“Andrea, your boyfriend's acquaintance sent her. I already asked her earlier.” I heard Mrs. Sol said after delivering the snack.

Are they serious?

I particularly asked myself.

If you look at the woman, she looks weak and can't stand heavy responsibility. But who am I to judge her immediately.

“Hello, let me see your papers.” even though my boyfriend's acquaintance recommended her, I still need to know all her information. She handed me her papers.

I read her name.

Athena Bless.