Athena POV

I woke up early because today is the start of my work.

After returning to my room, I slept soundly. It's really effective to go out when I can't sleep.


I'm wearing my maid uniform. Fortunately, it has a long sleeves and skirt, in favor of my taste. There is a small white apron in front of it.

I did not fix my hair, I just put a hairpin on both sides enough not to fall on my face. I also wear my eyeglass, this is special, so I never forget to wear it, especially when outdoors. Not only that, but I only take it off when I sleep.


Ma'am Andrea also explained to me what needs to be done.

I recalled her instructions.

“First thing in the morning, you need to wake up Clyde. He had a hard time waking up in the morning.”

“Next, you need to prepare his milk and breakfast.”

“Then, his bath.”

“If he wants to do something, just watch his back.”

“Don't leave your eyes on him.”


I immediately went to Clyde's room. I have a duplicate key in his room.

I saw him sound asleep while hugging the hot dog pillow on his side.

I looked at the time, he had to have breakfast by 7am. It's already close to 7am.

“Clyde.” I patted the child's arm.

I know, children should be allowed to sleep or not making them disturb their rest because when they luck of sleep, their growth slows down. In Clyde's case, he had to get up before 7am. They would eat breakfast at the same time. It's Monday and Mr. Frown has office works now.

“Clyde, wake up.” I pat again.

He moved, but he just adjusted the position on the other side.

“Clyde, do you want ice cream?” I tried what foods can wake the child up.

I think my luck is now active.

He woke up.

“Where's ice cream?” he said in closed eyes while sitting on the bed.

“It's on the table, so get up there.” I answered him.

He slightly open his eyes.

“Ugly maid, why are you here?” what a rude child.

“Because it's my job.” I smiled in response.

“Don't smile, you look like an idiot. Leave me alone. I want to sleep more.” he pushed me away and lay down again.

“Clyde, you need to get up. You'll have breakfast together with your Dad and Auntie today.” I woke up to him again.

“Shut up and leave me alone !!” he shouted and throw the pillow directly hit my face.


Thankfully my glass is not easily to break.

“Clyde.” it was really hard to wake him up in bed.

I was ignored. Still covered with a blanket.

I pulled his blanket.

“Clyde, get up.” I shook him to wake him up.

“Argh !!” he's mad. “Leave me alone, you ugly maid.” he shouted again.

“You won't sleep again when I'm here. So get up there.”

He pushed me away from the bed. His forehead is wrinkled and frowned. This child will grow up early because of his expression.

“Do you want me to lift you?” I asked him, but he just stared at me, terrible.

“No, I'm not a baby anymore, and I don't like you. Your ugly.” he even stared at me before going out of his room and left me behind.

Looks like he's going downstairs.

I just followed him, and I was right, he went to the table while the siblings were sitting.

“Hey, baby good morning. You woke up early.” Ma'am Andrea greeted the child with a smile.

“Good morning Dad and Auntie.” he gave a kiss to the siblings. “Some annoying creature woke me up.” This child is awful.

I ignore his statement and went straight to prepare his milk and food.

He took it without complaint.


I was just standing next to the child. It doesn't need to feed him. He can manage to eat alone.

The siblings also continue their meal, but Mr. Frown just had coffee. He also dressed in his office attire.

“Ugly Maid, don't look at my Dad.” suddenly the rude boy said so the siblings looked at me at the same time.

I even caught Mr. Frown eyes, so I suddenly averted my gaze.

“Young Frown, do you still want a food?” I hurriedly ask the boy which I did not notice my call to him.

“What did you call me? Annoying ugly maid.”

even in front of the food, there's no excuse for this short-tempered child.

“I'm sorry I was just shocked, go ahead and eat.” I tried to smile at him.

He's gaze deepen but continue his meal. I looked at the siblings, I was relieved when they returned to what they were doing.


“Send me an additional security here.” I heard someone talked. Clyde and I are going back to his room to take his bath.

I saw Mr. Frown holding his phone and another one in his pocket while his back is facing us. He got a broad shoulder and his built can be possible as an improvised door.

He's standing at the doorway.

“Yes. Right away. Bye.” that's all, and he's taking it down.

“Dad.” Clyde called and come closer to his Father. “Are you leaving?” its tender question as it embraced at his Father's leg.

“Yes, baby. Don't be naughty, okay?” he smiled at the child before kissing his forehead and left.

“Ugly Maid, your saliva is dripping. Do you want anything from my Dad?” it's a straightforward question? He even crossed his arms in his chest while looking at her.

Is he really 5 years old? To disregard his height, I will think he's at my age. He's mature with his age.

I ignored the rude boy's question.

I was just surprised by Mr. Frown's smile, so I didn't move immediately. Likewise, I thought he just knew to frowned only, not expected his smile a while ago.

“Come on, you're still taking a bath.” I held his hand, but he immediately avoided and walked ahead.

I just shake my head and follow him.


The little frown's bath was ready, so I called him too.

When I came out to the bathroom, I noticed something on the floor that I almost stepped on.


If I had not been careful, I might have slipped. To make matters worse, my head would hit the bathroom's corner. It's perilous.

Who laid these stones?

“Ugly Maid, I'm going to take a bath.” he said frowning as he approached me.

I tore the pebbles to the side, so he wouldn't step on them. His face frowned even more at what I did.

This child is hard to understand.



Xander POV

“Xander bro, how are you?” answer from the other line.

I called him after our breakfast.

“Drake, send me an additional security here.” I command him. He's the head of my newly build Security Agency.

I was bothered with what happened last night. I need to know who attacked me and the one who helped me. Not only that, but I can't relax without knowing anything about it.

I was almost killed last night. I did not expect that man injected me with something. We need to be extra careful. This is not just a simple threat. If someone did not come to my aid, I would probably have died, and I will never let that happen again.

“When? Now?”

“Yes, right away. Bye.” I cut off the call.

I saw Clyde with his new personal maid.

I feel strange about this woman, but I cannot determine what it is. There is nothing special about her other than her unique style of clothing.

I just said goodbye to Clyde and left. I still have a lot to do.


“Agatha, check all the CCTV in my house around 11:00 pm to 3:00 am, faster!” I command with one of my trusted person. Agatha Samuel.

“Yes, Sir.”

Agatha is one of my team together with Drake and Jake Dixon. The twins.

They're working for me for years now. I found them in a different situation but both miserable. Agatha was physically abused by her stepfather, she doesn't have a mother. She's great in regards with computers, so I recruit and trained her. Then, the twins are so-called gangsters. Present in different gang fights. I offered them to permanently work for me, and they obliged.

I just want to have trusted allies, since our family received a different threat since then, and I'm not mistaken to choose them.

“Around 11:15 pm a figure spotted at the East wing.” she reported.

We're here in a meeting room just for this situation. The twins are gone now, for important matters. I just sat behind her as she continued to press the keyboard of the four large monitors in front of her.

She adjusted her glasses, before continued typing.

“He had companions who entered the West wing, near the garden of the Mansion and I saw here a figure blocking you.” She pointed to that part of the monitor. I also noticed the new maid standing in front of me, it covers me from the figure holding the gun.

“But when the woman left, the figure suddenly released a gunshot, but a flower pot hit. You will notice the figure moving a bit, so he did not hit you, maybe a mistake or someone making him moved.” she said again.

“In the north wing where your room is, a figure follows you.” she continued while observing the monitors.

That was the time I felt someone stab me in the back. I was not aware of his presence. I would have taken my gun to the bedroom to find out what was going on, but he preceded me.

“Check the CCTV after that incident.” I command her.

“No changes, Sir. Everything is normal.” she reported.

No. Impossible.

I knew someone had entered my room and saved me.

“Double check.” I seriously order.

“N-no changes Sir.” she just repeats what she was said earlier. “But surprisingly various figures suddenly disappeared.” she commented while looking at the monitor.

I stood up and turned around in the chair while holding my chin. I was thinking what happened?

I am confident with the mansion's security, but someone passed from it.

Who is he? I can't figure out his face or voice because of a voice changer, and he was fully masked, but I only noticed his blue-green eyes with a strange stare.

I need to know who he is.

“Check all the information about a blue-green eyed person.” she looked at me with an unbelievable look.

“A-are you sure, Sir?” she nervously asked.

I know, there are a lot of blue-green eyed people in the world, but I have no identity with that person, other than his eyes.

“Do I look like joking Ms. Samuel?” a serious question from me.

“N-no Sir.” she immediately answered.

“Send me all the information this afternoon.” I walk towards the door.

“N-noted Sir.” I heard her answered before leaving the room.

I know she can do that thing.

I won't take her to the team if she's incapable.



“Sir, Ms. Agatha Samuel is here.” I heard my secretary's voice from the intercom later on.

He knows all members of my Team as part of the Company, not differently.

“Let her in.”


I waited for Agatha to enter my office.

“Sir, this is your request.” she gave a thick folder.

As expected from her. Agatha is good at hacking and gathering information the same with Jake, but Jake is not available right now.

“Any information that got your attention?” I asked her as I opened the papers one by one.

“Only two persons Sir, I didn't get any information about them.” I looked at her.

“Who?” I curiously asked.

“Last two pages Sir.” she refers to the folder I'm holding. I opened the last two pages.

“An Assassin named Hawk and the Royal princess of France.” I was surprised by what she said.

I looked at the paper, there was no information of the two. Even a picture.

“How did it happen that you didn't get even one piece of information about it? Does your ability weakening?” I doubly asked.

“Apology Sir, but no data comes out about them. We all know that princess life is private, but the Assassin Hawk, except for the information about his eyes, there is no other information about him, not even the organization or group he belongs to.” she explained.

“Try harder Ms. Samuel, disregard the princess, I know she's nothing to do with this. Just focus with this Assassin named Hawk.”

“Noted Sir.” she bowed then left.

What does an Assassin need from me, and he saves me?




Someone / Hawk POV

“Oh, someone wants to know me.” a grinned flustered on my face when I saw the signal that wanted to enter my system.

“Let's play, Darling.” I grinned again at the same time pressing what was on my gadget.



Agatha POV

I will do my best not to embarrass Sir Xander. I don't want him to question what I can do for him, even the most dangerous site I will use just to find any information about Hawk.

Security alert.

I was alerted to see the two words on my monitor.

“Sh’t.” I blurted out while typing fast.

I can't let them won, otherwise all my hard work on these computers will be lost.

I type quickly on my computer.

Detecting Self Destruction Virus loading .....

40% .....

“Sh’t, the virus is coming too fast.” I typed even faster just to beat the virus that enters my system.

60% .....

“Sh’t. Sh’t” I felt my forehead wet even this room is fully air-conditioned.

80% .....

“Oh Sh’t.”

98% .....

“F×cking sh*t. Argh!!” I shouted and sat down on the bench after removing all the computer power connections. If I didn't do that, my computers would break down and explode. That is my only choice. Virus loading is too fast. I can't resist it nor counterpart the virus. I just experienced this frustration now.

Nobody can surpass me as the best hacker, but it was changed after what happened. There's someone better than me and that is the one who keep Hawk's information.

Who is the real you, Hawk?

What is the secret behind your identity?