Xander POV

I hurried to the group's headquarters located at the same building of my office when I received a message from Agatha.

“Sir, I received an information about Hawk's group.” that is the message I received from her.

I don't take my breakfast anymore, I'll eat later. This is an emergency report.



“Report.” my short command when the four of us are complete.

Agatha got up from her seat and handed us each folder.

Our quarter is looks like a conference room, Agatha and Jake's huge computers are just additional to the things inside this room.

“I received that information last night. According to what I read, there is a group called Midnight Phantom consists of four members, two males and one female, one unidentified. Group members named, Fourth, the Eye. Third, the Sniper. Second, the Bomber and last but not the least, First, the Hawk. He / She is the mind, body and soul of the Group.” We were surprised by her statement.

“Did you mean, this is Hawk's group?” Jake asked.

“Yes. It was based on the information I received.” answer from the woman.

“As of what you said, you voluntarily received that information last night. They probably knew that someone was looking for them. Could it be, they're planning something?” Drake's statement is now serious as well.

“It is possible, because they are a soloist group but at the same time an individual fighter. No organization holds them. Whatever they want to do, no one can stop them, their group is so strong. I just don't understand, why did they voluntarily provide information that we can use against them?” Agatha said.

“They have a plan.” my short statement.

The three looked at me.

“Isn't it just a coincidence? As you said in what happened last night, they're after the man who wants to kill you. Maybe, we got his attention because we are looking for his information.” Jake said.

“He knew me, and I was sure they were planning something. They won't give that information if not. We can't connect the man who wants to kill me, because we have no idea who he is and which group he belongs to.” I said to him.

“What if it's your family opponent?” statement from Drake

It's possible, not just because of our Family business but also at the root of our background.

“Continue gathering information about them. We need to know the connections between them.” I command.

“Yes, sir.” they answered at once.

I can't allow you playing with us Hawk, I'll catch you too.

I clenched my fist, before leaving the room.




Fourth, The Eye POV

I just stayed in front of my computers while checking the files that Hawk sent me. I need to know all the data about these people, even the smallest should not be missed.

Furthermore, I knew Hawk could do it, but because he was busy, he ordered me. There is no problem with me, because between the four of us this is what I like to do the most.

I don't know what he is planning, but we have a lot of trust in him, even though we do not know his identity. As far as we know, he formed this group, he has blue-green eyes, and he is the leader we respect. We have no idea if she is female or male. That one was very careful, while we, had nothing to hide from him. He knew each of us, but we did not know each other. Not because we don't trust each other, but because we are more careful about whom we can get to know. We're still an individual fighter aside from our group.

I just kept typing and searching for the data he ordered me to do.

I have gathered a lot of information when the earpiece I was wearing rang.

This is Hawk for sure. He's the only one who can do this, any time we can talk to him using this gadget. Sometimes surprising, but we get used to it.

“Team.” I couldn't help but be horrified by what I heard. This is something we fear about him other than his grin. His cold and serious voice.

“First.” we answered at once. He is making a conference call. We know that when he used the word Team.

“They're starting. Proceed with our plan.” that's all, and he turned off the call.

We never answered again and already know what to do.

They are getting started. I couldn’t help but grin and feel excited. The Game has started.

Hawk's Game




Athena POV

I don't have work today with Clyde because Ma'am Andrea took him to the airport to pick up her boyfriend from another country, so my life is quiet and peaceful. I thought Clyde and I would get along, but I was still experiencing his pranks. That's a terrible child. He did my shoes get soaked. Well, I saw it right before I put it on. I'm also used to his pranks, so I often just ignore it.


“Mrs. Sol, what can I do to help?” I went to the kitchen to find something to do. I'm getting bored without doing anything.

“Oh Athena, just rest. I know what you have been experiencing these past few days is not light.” she smiled at me.

I have been in the mansion for a few days now.

“I'm fine, Mrs. Sol. I'm not doing anything, and I'm bored.” I just said that.

Knowing the mansion size, I know there is something else to do.

“Don't bother besides I can't think of anything you can do. All the work here has assigned people.” I was wrong. Probably the size of this house, they also pay a lot of people to keep the place nice.

“Is there really nothing left? I can't think of anything to do.” I just answered.

She thought for a moment. After a while it was as if a light bulb shone on her head.

“Ah, I know that. Just deliver a snack for the guards.” he said.

I know there are guards here, but I do not know how many they are.

“How many guards are here Mrs. Sol?” I asked as she arranged the homemade burgers in the basket. It looks delicious because of its smell.

“Before they used to be only 25, but the other day their number increased, maybe they will reach at 42 guards.”

“Really? Versailles's wealth can't be measured.” I said.

“You have no idea how rich they are.” she's smiling while saying that. “Oh this, the snack is ready. Can you take it all?” she worriedly asked?

A basket of burgers and also a basket of mineral water.

“I'll just go back to the others.” I said to her and took the two baskets.



It's three o'clock in the afternoon, so the snack sent by Mrs. Sol was perfect. The Versailles are smart, they really take care of their staff.

“Good day” I greeted some guards near the gate.

I caught their attention and their eyes lit up when they saw what I was carrying.

They have the same attire and probably called Men in Black. It's more looking like a cult for me.

“Snack, sent by Mrs. Sol.” I respectfully offer them.

“Oh, thank you very much.” it looks like he's the older one in the crowd. I think they are 30 to 45 years old.

They shared some companions and lighten the basket. Mrs. Sol said they cannot leave the post. They are replaced by duty two times a day and at night.


I went to the back of the mansion to distribute the snacks left in my basket.

They said their thanks to me by delivering it to them.

When the basket was empty, I went back inside


I distributed snacks for about an hour and I also toured the entire mansion. They were just outside the house on duty.

Extremely tiring.


I went back inside the house and saw that Ma'am Andrea had arrived.

The boy ran towards me. I heard his voice from the door where I was standing.

“Ugly Maid, I have something to give you!” he said excitedly while carrying a box.

Looks like this kid has a new trick.

I released the baskets I was holding and took the box he was carrying. I just looked behind the child and saw Ma'am Andrea and a man smiling. Maybe that's her boyfriend.

I turned my gaze back to the excited child.

“What is this?” I asked with a smile.

“Open it, Ugly Maid.” he answered with a smile.

I slowly opened the box and as expected. A glove with a spring came out from inside. I was suddenly shunned, but my eyeglass was hit causing it to fall but not break.

I knew it. Likewise, I have memorized those smiles.

Furthermore, I looked for my eyeglass first, later I will deal and reprimanded the child.

I don't want to look at them without my eyeglass.

Not only that, but I would have taken my eyeglass when one hand-picked it up.

Likewise, I followed with a look at the lifting hand holding my eyeglass, up to the face of the owner of that hand.

“S-sir.” I stuttered when I met him. My eyes widened and suddenly bowed.



Xander POV

Andrea called me to inform that they're already at home. I know her boyfriend is coming today. Miguel, her boyfriend is like a brother to me.

On my way home, I received a call from Jake.

“What is it?” I asked on the other line.

“Someone wants to meet us.” answer from him.


“Your grandfather.” I was shocked to hear who wanted to meet me.

My grandfather.

He rarely requests a meeting with me, unless it is something really important.


“Tomorrow night at his place.”

It looks like I have no choice but to follow it.

“Okay.” I just agreed.

I turned off the call.


After parking the car, I immediately went inside the house, but I could still see Clyde's maid at the door. She was holding a box and the smiling child was in front of it. I know what he's done to his servants.

I watched it first and stopped quite close to them. They haven't noticed me yet.

I saw she had already opened the box, I also knew what it contained. Her nose may bleed at what happens. I shifted my gaze to the boy, and he excitedly looked at the maid.

I just shook my head and looked at the maid.

She's slowly opening the box but she also quickly avoided what was inside and struck her glass.

She seems to be prepared for what will happen. It is possible that she also knew the contents of the box. Impressive for a maid. I could still see Clyde frown.

I approached them when I saw that they had left the box and looked for the eyeglass.

Furthermore, I picked up her eyeglass, but her eyesight followed until it came to my face.

Not only that, but I was surprised...

...and I was stunned.

“S-sir.” she said and suddenly bowed.

Her face and...

Her eyes.